2022 TACOS Spring Conference

Additional Resources to Supplement Your Learning 

  • [Webpage] Cancer Types
    Education and resources to help multidisciplinary cancer care teams stay abreast of disease-specific advances, deploy strategies for effective integration into practice, and engage in bi-directional learning.

  • Metastatic Breast Cancer Digital Resource Library
    This online resource bank features curated webinars, articles, blogs, and tools to help close communication, education, and information gaps for patients and providers. Search by topic, resource type, point of care, or effective practices.

  • [Workbook] Effective Principles & Practices in Patient Support

    This workbook is a guide to help identify effective tools and resources for supporting patients with metastatic breast cancer. It identifies six effective practice principles as a framework to highlight where and how cancer programs can offer support and resources.

  • [Workbook] Effective Principles in Action Publication (Part II)
    Building on principles to reframe the patient-provider conversation identified in the MBC Workbook, this publication explores how three differently structured cancer programs are creating and evolving approaches to implementing these principles.

  • [Blog] The Changing Landscape of Breast Cancer Care
  • [Article] Carrie's TOUCH: Supporting Black Women with Breast Cancer 
  • [On-Demand Session] The 2022 PFS and OPPS Final Rules: What You Need to Know
    Review the changes finalized by CMS that will impact oncology practices, freestanding cancer centers, and hospital-based cancer programs in CY 2022. Then evaluate what these changes will mean for your program or practice and use this data to guide your short- and long-term strategic planning and budgeting.
  • [Webinar] Managing Value-Based Care Performance by Measures - An overview of how to measure performance for your practice. Learn how to identify targets, how ownership impacts performance, measurement and change management, and incentives.
  • [Webinar] The Future of APM Participation: Transitioning from the Oncology Care Model (OCM) to the Oncology Care First (OCF) Model. Speakers discuss how participation in alternative payment models (APMs) has changed since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, ways that oncology practices can benefit from enrollment and potential future models (OCM, OCF, Radiation Oncology Model, etc.), and which support services are recommended for cancer programs currently enrolled in APMs or considering enrollment in future models.
  • [Webpage] ACCC Alternative Payment Model Coalition - Focuses on addressing concerns about lack of preparedness to perform under these payment models, patient and provider access to the latest treatments, infrastructure, and long-term sustainability. This will be inclusive of medical, radiation, and surgical oncology and all respective APMs
  • [Checklist] Alternative Payment Model Implementation Checklist - Helps your program understand how your current capabilities align along the APM continuum and the appropriate level of risk based on your program’s capabilities.


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