2023 LOS Cancer Congress Presentations

Updates in Breast Cancer
Michelle Loch, MD
LSUHSC School of Medicine 

Catherine Oliver, Pharm D
Ochsner Health

Louisiana Policy Updates
Julie Stokes, CPA
Flame Consulting, LLC
Survivors Cancer Action Network (SCAN)

Hematology Updates
Maissaa Janbain, MD
Tulane School of Medicine

How to Treat Newly Diagnosed Mantle Cell Lymphoma
Nakhle Saba, MD
Tulane School of Medicine
What’s Happening with Bispecific – Outpatient Setting Lymphoma
Ashley Staton, MD
Ochsner Medical Center

Updates on Prostate Cancer
Oliver Sartor, MD
Tulane School of Medicine

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Javier Pinilla, MD, PhD
Moffitt Cancer Center
Nutraceuticals in Oncology
Laura Kerns, MPH, RD, CSO, LDN, FAND
Ochsner Heath

Disparities in Clinical Research
John Cole, MD
Ochsner Health

Gyn Onc: What’s Hot Now
Amelia “Amy” Jernigan
LSUHSC School of Medicine

Updates on Colorectal Cancer
Thomas Reske, Md, PhD, CMD, FACP, AGFS
LSUHSC School of Medicine
Leonard “Clark” Alsfeld, MD
Ochsner Medical Center

Additional Resources to Supplement Your Learning 

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