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Letters and Statements

ACCC writes and signs on to letters to Congress and the Administration to promote our policy interests. We also write advocacy statements, blog posts, and opinion pieces on a wide range of topics in cancer care. Questions related to health policy? Contact Nicole Tapay, JD, Director, Cancer Care Delivery & Health or Meagan O’Neill, MS, Executive Director of ACCC.

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Latest Letters

  • ACCC Writes Letter to the House Committee of Ways and Means in Support of H.R. 2407
    June 28, 2024

    ACCC joined over 500 organizations nationwide writing in support of the bipartisan Nancy Gardner Sewell Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage Act (H.R. 2407). ACCC members are all too familiar with the toll cancer takes on patients when diagnosed at a late stage. Early detection and treatment are crucial for improving cancer outcomes and saving lives.

    ACCC is very happy to learn that the legislation passed unanimously out of the House Ways and Means Committee on June 27, 2024.
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  • ACCC Signs Letter in Support of the Reducing Hereditary Cancer Act
    March 21, 2023

    ACCC joins a broad coalition of patients, advocacy organizations, cancer centers, and healthcare professionals to express support for the Reducing Hereditary Cancer Act. This crucial piece of legislation would address unacceptable care gaps in Medicare beneficiary access to genetic testing for hereditary cancer risk, evidence-based screening, and risk-reducing interventions, when medically necessary and appropriate.
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  • ACCC Asks Congress to Improve Access to Genetic Counselors in End-of-Year Package
    November 28, 2022

    ACCC joined more than 250 organizations in asking congressional leadership to include the Access to Genetic Counselor Services Act (S. 1450/H.R. 2144) in an end-of-year legislative package. This piece of legislation would allow the Medicare program to directly reimburse genetic counselors, improving Medicare beneficiary access to comprehensive genetic counseling services.
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  • ACCC Joins Radiation Oncology Community in Letter to Congress
    November 21, 2022

    In a letter to congressional leadership, ACCC joined the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) and more than 20 other organizations asking Congress to pass legislation before the end of the year to prevent significant Medicare payment cuts to radiation therapy services. These cuts largely stem from the 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, PAYGO sequester, and clinical labor price updates.
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  • ACCC Sends End-of-Year Legislative Priorities to Congressional Leadership
    October 18, 2022

    ACCC sent a letter to House and Senate leaders this week, encouraging Congress to take action before the end of this year to mitigate significant Medicare payment cuts and improve patient access to high quality, efficient, and equitable cancer care. Without congressional intervention, significant reductions to Medicare payment will take effect in January 2023, including the proposed 4.42% reduction to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule conversion factor and 4% Statutory Pay-As-You-Go sequester. Additional priorities include supporting the transition to value-based care, extending telehealth flexibilities beyond the COVID-19 public health emergency, and improving prior authorization processes in the Medicare Advantage program.
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