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Find the most up-to-date information on oncology assistance and reimbursement programs by searching for a prescribed product or company name, then further streamline your search by applying coverage and assistance-type filters. Access details on all available financial assistance and reimbursement program benefits, application information, and eligibility criteria. Listings include direct links to external websites and company phone numbers and will be updated in real-time, so you�ll always have access to the latest information and external program links. The digital Guide links directly to the ICD-10 codes website and the Library of NCCN Compendia for current indications. These resources were identified by ACCC members as the most up-to-date and authoritative source for this information.
The Financial Advocacy Network's tools and resources empower providers to proactively integrate financial health into the oncology care continuum and help patients gain access to high-quality care for a better quality of life.
This websites provides key elements of an evaluation plan, which can help guide your evaluation efforts.
This webcast provides an overview of treatment options for patients living with ALL, MRD testing, clinical trials, and the importance of open communication with the healthcare team.
By completing this form, your patient will be contacted by a LLS Information Specialist. Information Specialists are social workers, nurses and health educators with expertise in blood cancers who provide personalized support to patients, caregivers, and families.
This review article presents "the work of an international, multidisciplinary, 174-member panel convened to identify critical questions on key issues pertaining to MRD in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, review evaluable data, develop unified answers in conjunction with local expert input, and provide recommendations for future studies. Recommendations are presented regarding methodology for MRD determination, assay requirements and in which tissue to assess MRD, timing and frequency of assessment, use of MRD in clinical practice versus clinical trials, and the future usefulness of MRD assessment.
Detection of MRD in CLL is becoming increasingly important as treatments improve...There was good correlation between four-CLR and six-CLR panels in dilution studies and clinical samples, with 100% concordance for detection of residual disease at the 0.01% (10?4) level (n=59) and good linearity even at the 0.001�0.01% (10?5�10?4) level. A six-CLR panel therefore provides equivalent results to the four-CLR panel but it requires fewer reagents, fewer cells and a much simpler analysis approach.
In CLL the level of MRD after therapy is an independent predictor of outcome�A parallel analysis of high-throughput sequencing using the ClonoSEQ assay showed good concordance with flow cytometry results at the 0.010% (10(-4)) level, the MRD threshold defined in the 2008 International Workshop on CLL guidelines, but it also provides good linearity to a detection limit of 1 in a million (10(-6)). The combination of both technologies would permit a highly sensitive approach to MRD detection while providing a reproducible and broadly accessible method to quantify residual disease and optimize treatment in CLL.
The landscape of multiple myeloma has changed considerably in the past two decades regarding new treatments, insight into disease biology and innovation in the techniques available to assess MRD as the most accurate method to evaluate treatment efficacy. The sensitivity and standardization achieved by these techniques together with unprecedented rates of CR induced by new regimens, raised enormous interest in MRD as a surrogate biomarker of patients� outcome and endpoint in clinical trials. By contrast, there is reluctance and general lack of consensus on how to use MRD outside clinical trials. Here, we discuss critical aspects related with the implementation of MRD in clinical practice.
We review the data supporting MRD testing as well as its limitations and how it may fit in with current and future clinical practice.
This review examines the different methods used to detect MRD and discusses future considerations regarding the implementation in day-to-day clinical practice and as a prospective primary endpoint for clinical trials.
Based on available evidence correlating attainment of MRD negativity with outcomes, MRD assessment has been incorporated into ongoing clinical trials. Analyses will provide additional insight into the correlation between MRD and outcome. This monograph examines the available trial data and provides recommendations on how to incorporate MRD assessment into clinical management.
This article shows that poor early MRD response, in contrast to conventional ALL risk factors, is an excellent tool to identify patients who may benefit from allogeneic SCT in the context of intensified adult ALL therapy.
NCCN offers clinical guidelines to guide the treatment and care of patients with multiple myeloma. (Create a free account profile to access guidelines.)
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