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With the innovation of electronic health records (EHRs) and the ability for many of these processes to be completed without a single printed page, if you are not already doing so due to COVID-19, now is the time to allow cancer registry staff to work remotely—either a few days a week or full time—depending on the needs of the facility.
The professional relationship between Caroline Chevallier Hackney as part of the registry staff at CHI St. Joseph Health in Bryan, Tex., has just become matter of fact. I had to remind myself of how this all started, two years ago, before she moved to Mozambique in southeast Africa.
Because of its growing retirement-age population and its unique location on a barrier island, The Outer Banks Hospital saw patients with lung cancer presenting at too late a stage for curative treatment. Learn how the hospital created an LDCT program and partnered with local providers and community cancer centers to identify patients with lung cancer at an earlier stage.
Fertility preservation is an increasing concern for adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients with cancer. However, not all newly diagnosed males discuss fertility preservation with a healthcare provider before treatment. This quality improvement project describes the oncofertility program development that was part of a larger goal to develop an AYA oncology program at our institution, the University …
This article clarifies the role that community needs assessments play in helping oncology programs achieve or maintain accreditation while also creating effective programs and outreach strategies that respond to identified cancer care needs in the community
In 2013, ACCC proceeded with Phase II, Learning Labs for Process Improvement, a program for member institutions that focused on improving molecular testing at the system level through experiential learning labs.
Banking of biological specimens can advance oncology research efforts by providing valuable resources from participants and promoting collaborative partnerships.
Increasing HPV vaccination is one of the most achievable cancer prevention opportunities and it has recently become a public health priority. The Outer Banks Hospital chose the complex (and somewhat controversial) cancer prevention initiative to improve HPV vaccination rates in our local schools.
In this article, we share the experience of the Duke Cancer Institute initiative to expand its capacity to engage the community and the health system towards achieving improved population and patient health outcomes.
In a day and age when multi-tasking is becoming the norm, cancer registrars are doing far more than case-finding, abstracting, and follow-up.