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As American Heart Month draws to a close, ACCCBuzz shares a post describing how an ACCC member program brought service lines together to create an outpatient cardio-oncology program. This post is adapted from “Development of an Outpatient Cardio-Oncology Program,” an article by Laurie Walton Fitzgerald, MSN, RN, and Peyton Neilson, MSN, RN, OCN, that first appeared in ACCC's journal, Oncology Issues …
Once again immuno-oncology (I-O) was center stage at this year’s American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting (June 2-6, 2017) where more than 250 presentations featured checkpoint inhibitors. Currently, six immune checkpoint inhibitors have received FDA approval for more than nine cancers, with more than 1,000 studies in progress. On June 2 at ASCO, two pre-eminent immunotherapy investigators …
ACCC shares how Sanford Health introduced its own “precision medicine steward” through the development of a pilot Oncology Nurse Navigator, Genomics (ONNG) role, which has improved coordination of its biomarker testing program.
ACCC was invited to share the association’s key priorities for impacting cancer care in the US. ACCC president Olalekan Ajayi, PharmD, MBA, and chief operating officer at Highlands Oncology Group, PA, discusses the meeting and these initiatives.
Mobile Infirmary Medical Center and the Cancer Center of Southern Alabama Mobile Infirmary Medical Center and the Cancer Center of Southern Alabama Partners In Cancer Care, Leaders In Research and Outreach Established in 1910,theMobile Infirmary MedicalCenter is the largest pri-vate, non-profit hospitalin Alabama. Located along the central Gulf Coast, its closest urban neighbors with major …
A Call for Medicare Reform of the Education and Payment Systems CAPnOL COMMENTS A Call for Medicare Reform of the Education and Payment Systems by Christian G. Downs For years providers havebeen frustrated by whatthey consider to be poorinformation and unclearinstructions from Medicare and their carriers about billing and payment policies. A case in point: Medicare offers to cover …
Florida Hospital the Walt Disney Memorial Cancer Institute Guided by Patient Priorities Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Oncology Issues ISSN: 1046-3356 (Print) 2573-1777 (Online) Journal homepage: Florida Hospital the Walt Disney Memorial Cancer …
Kevin Davies, PhD, author of Editing Humanity: The CRISPR Revolution and the New Era of Genome Editing, teases his keynote at the ACCC 49th Annual Meeting and Cancer Center Business Summit, where he will talk about the history of genome technology and its potential to change precision medicine.
The Development of an Outpatient Prospective Payment System for Oncologic Services in America Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Oncology Issues ISSN: 1046-3356 (Print) 2573-1777 (Online) Journal homepage: The Development of an Outpatient Prospective …
We’ll delve into the dramatic changes in care delivery that Montefiore Health System underwent during the pandemic, lessons learned along the way that can help pave the way forward, and how the spirit of collaboration and innovation that emerged in 2020 will remain long after the pandemic.
Learn how recent guideline and treatment options by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) can optimize care for patients with MPNs.
ACCC hosted a webinar in which hematologic malignancy experts from various regions across the U.S. in different stages of recovery planning discussed considerations for patients with hematologic malignancies as the pandemic declines.
By highlighting best practices and sharing written guidelines, ACCC hopes that when BsAbs therapy for solid tumors becomes available, care providers will feel confident administering the treatment in community and rural cancer programs.
As cancer programs seek new ways to improve coordination of molecular testing, hear how precision medicine stewards can streamline testing processes to improve efficiency and improve the patient experience.
CANCER BUZZ speaks with Srdan Verstovsek, MD, PhD, about when to begin therapeutic care for myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) and the urgency of treatment.
Audiotaping the Oncology Consultation: An Intervention to Increase Patient Satisfaction Audiotaping the Oncology Consultation: An Intervention to Increase Patient Satisfaction by Anthony J. Ferri, Ph.D., Cheryl Bowles, R.N., Ed.D., and Susan Michael, R.N., D.N.Sc. he first visit of a cancer patient to an oncologist is often accompanied by anxiety, disbelief, and fear-powerful emotions that …
The Expanding Role of Physician Assistants in an Oncology Practice The Expanding Role of Physician Assistants in An Oncology Practice by Usa Schnabel, P.A.-e.. and Julie Solley, P.A.-e. , M.H.S. hysician assis- tants art a rela- tivd y new tate- gory of h•ahh careprofessional that hasestab- lished a strong foothold in health care services over the past three decades. Also referred 10 …
Listen as we discuss nursing’s role in the care of patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC).
In this episode, we talk with an experienced cancer center information technology (IT) professional about how the role of the IT professional in quality, patient-centered cancer care delivery and what lies ahead.