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Social Media Use for Oncology Cl inicians: B e n e f i t s a n d O p p o r t u n i t i e s Ishwaria M. Subbiah, MD, MS Medical Oncologist and Palliative Care & Integrative Medicine Physician University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX I s h w a r i a S u b b i a h , M D M S - T w i t t e r : i s h w a r i a M D - i s h w a r i a s u b b i a h @ o u t l …
Slide 1 Emerging Role of Immunotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer Jared Weiss, MD Associate Professor of Medicine and Section Chief of Thoracic and Head/Neck Oncology UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Copyright © 2017 Institute for Clinical Immuno-Oncology. All Rights Reserved. Outline …
UPDATES IN SOFT TISSUE SARCOMA John Rieth, MD Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest ◦ John Rieth, MD has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. Soft-Tissue Sarcoma ◦ Very diverse family of tumors derived from primitive mesenchymal stem cells ◦ Chemotherapy resistant ◦ Radiation resistant (except for myxoid liposarcoma) ◦ Frequently immunologically …
Update on liver cancer trials in Hawaii UPDATE ON LIVER CANCER TRIALS IN HAWAII Jared Acoba November 2022 DISCLOSURE • Research funding from GSK • Hepatocellular cancer (HCC) is not a common cancer in the US, however • Hawaii has the second highest incidence of HCC in the US • HCC is a leading cause of cancer death despite not being a common cancer …
PowerPoint Presentation ASCO Direct Highlights Annual Conference of South Carolina Oncology Society Gynecologic Oncology Brian Orr, MD, MS Medical University of South Carolina/Hollings Cancer Center 8/7/2021 Disclosure of Conflict(s) of Interest • Brian Orr, MD, MS reported no relevant financial relationships or relationships with ineligible companies of any …
Slide 1 Cytopenias Associated with COVID-19 in Patients with Hematologic Malignancy Marie Hu1, Amit Kulkarni1, Vidhyalakshmi Ramesh2, and Zohar Sachs1 1University of Minnesota Department of Hematology, Oncology, and Transplant 2University of Minnesota Masonic Cancer Center, Minneapolis, MN Results - Characteristics Results - Cytopenias • We identified 165 adult patients with history …
ASH 2023 Myelofibrosis Update Event title/location if applicable ASH 2023 Myelofibrosis Update Mark G. Faber, DO Staff Physician, Division of Hematology Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center Gilbert, AZ Banner Gateway Medical Center, Gilbert, AZ I have no relevant disclosures. What is Myelofibrosis? • Clonal myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) characterized by …
LOS_Krane_ProstateCa.pptx Improving Outcomes in Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer L Spencer Krane MD FACS Chief of Urology, Southeastern Louisiana Veterans Healthcare System Disclosures • Paid Consultant • HIFU Prostate Services • Angiodynamics • Exact Sciences • Sonablate What Are Patients Reading? HOW DOES TREATMENT EFFECT PATIENTS? …
Optimal Timing Between Total Neoadjuvant Therapy and Surgery for Patients with Rectal Adenocarcinoma Megan Mai, MPH1; Jodi Goldman1, Duke Appiah, PhD, MPH2; Zheng Shi, MD, PhD3 1School of Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas 2Department of Public Health, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas 3Department of Internal Medicine, Texas …
FileNewTemplate Initial Results From an Open-Label Phase 1b/2 Study of RP1 Oncolytic Immunotherapy in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients With Advanced Cutaneous Malignancies (ARTACUS) Michael R. Migden1, Wanxing Chai-Ho2, Gregory A. Daniels3, Theresa Medina4, Trisha M. Wise-Draper5, Meenal Kheterpal6, Jennifer C. Tang7, Sherrif F. Ibrahim8, Diana Bolotin9, Claire …
Do Not Distribute NSCLC Cancer Quality-Directed Program Components* A. Screening/Risk Reduction 1. Low-dose CT should be available for select high-risk smokers and former smokers1 2. Smoking cessation options available for any/all interested patients B. Clinical Presentation/Work-Up 1. Multidisciplinary evaluation of suspicious findings, including thoracic surgeon, …
Slide 1 Preliminary Studies • Retrospective cohort study aimed at examining the prevalence of osteoporosis, osteopenia, screening of bone mineral density by DXA, use of therapeutics for osteoporosis or osteopenia, and cumulative incidence of fragility fractures. • Methods: • Obtained a nationally representative 5% sample of Medicare files from CMS between 2010 – 2015. • Defined …
Evaluation of the Safety and Efficacy of Immunotherapy Rechallenge in Patients With Renal Cell Carcinoma Dean Elhag, MD University of Iowa Hospital: Division of Hematology, Oncology, and Blood & Marrow Transplantation Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest • Dean Elhag, MD has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. Learning Objective • Use new knowledge …
PowerPoint Presentation Survival Outcomes of Non-metastatic, Non-clear cell Renal Cell Carcinoma (non-ccRCC) after Surgery Josiah An1, Adithya Chennamadhavuni1, Sarah L Mott1, Rohan Garje1 1Division of Hematology, Oncology, and Blood & Marrow Transplantation, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA Introduction Materials and Methods Results Conclusions ▪ Collecting duct and …
References for the BiomarkerLIVE lexicon.
ICLIO National Conference ICLIO National Conference Steven L. D’Amato BSPharm Executive Director New England Cancer Specialists Financial Issues in Community Cancer Centers 9.30.16 Philadelphia, Pa. New England Cancer Specialists • The only private oncology practice in Maine • Fourteen physicians; Eleven Nurse Practitioners …
Sample research poster Localization patterns and survival of extranodal NK/T-cell lymphomas in the United States: A population-based study of 945 cases Objective Daniel O’Leary M.D., Nikhil Goyal B.S.1, Nathan Rubin M.S.2, Kimberly Bohjanen M.D.,3 Amrita Goyal M.D.3 Conclusions Table 2: Survival Background Extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphomas (eNK/TCLs) are …
PowerPoint Presentation camB7-H3 Activates NK Cells in Presence of B7-H3+ Targets TriKE Function TriKE Structure Nicholas A. Zorko1*, Behiye Kodal1, Zachary B. Davis1, Alexander J. Lenvik1, Todd R. Lenvik1, Joshua Walker1, Daniel A. Vallera2, Svetlana Gaidarova3, Alejandro Garcia3, Tom T. Lee3, Ryan Bjordahl3, Bahram Valamehr3, Frank Cichocki1, Martin Felices1, Jeffrey S. Miller1 …
ACCC Oncology Care Model Collaborative Workshop Friday, March 16, 2018 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Renaissance Hotel, Downtown D.C. ---------- 9:00 – 9:15 AM Registration and Networking Breakfast 9:15 – 9:30 AM Welcome and Introductions Steve L. D’Amato, RPh, BSPharm Executive Director, New England Cancer Specialists Chair, ACCC OCM Collaborative Kavita Patel, MD, MS, FACP Nonresident …