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Learn more about a care delivery model that can identify, implement, and expedite patient lung nodule care in real time and provide consistent follow-up along the continuum of care.
April 13, 2023
In the fourth webinar, we will hear from Gretchen Van Dyck, Financial Counselor from St. Vincent Hospital Regional Cancer Center and Rachelle Gill, Program/Department Coordinator II for Proton Therapy Appeals at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. Join us as we discuss radiation authorization submissions before treatment and strategies on how to work radiation authorization denials and appeals after …
Date(s) Event Venue Location January 28, 2023 WAHO SABCS The Pfister Milwaukee, WI February 8-9, 2023 TxSCO Leadership Day Omni Austin Hotel Downtown Austin, TX February 17-18, 2023 SCOS/NCOA Joint Meeting Charlotte Convention Center Charlotte, NC February 28, 2023 HSCO ASH Symposium Bentley Room Honolulu, HI March 4, 2023 ESHOS Review of SABCS Del Lago Waterloo, NY March 8-10, 2023 …
Dr. Olalekan Ajayi has dedicated his 2023-2024 ACCC President's Theme to the oncology workforce—mentoring a new generation of leaders and diversifying cancer care teams to ensure better representation of the different communities within which patients live.
ACCCBuzz spoke with Julie Huynh-Lu, PA-C—physician assistant in the Department of Leukemia at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center—to learn more about enhancing the care for patients with myelofibrosis by assessing and addressing their psychosocial and financial health.
OUR MISSION: Oncology State Societies at ACCC Engage & Succeed. WEST VIRGINIA ONCOLOGY SOCIETY 1801 Research Blvd, Suite 400, Rockville, Maryland 20850 Phone: 301.984.9496 APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Annual membership dues (January 1–December 31) must accompany application. Mail payment with this form to: West Virginia …
Cancer Advocacy In Louisiana Julie Stokes, CPA Julie Stokes, CPA LOS Advocacy Director Julie Stokes, CPA LOS Advocacy Director Advocacy is the Bridge Key Advocacy Areas ▪Prevention ▪Early Detection ▪Treatment ▪Access to Treatment ▪Survivorship Julie Stokes, CPA LOS Advocacy Director 2018 Louisiana Regular Session ▪ LA Act 494 …
Breast Cancer Updates LOS Michelle Loch, MD March 31, 2023 Objectives • Early • MonarchE • POSITIVE • SWOG 1007 • Race • PROs • CANTO • Advanced/Metastatic • ADCs • Destiny Breast04 • Destiny Breast03 • TROPiCS-02 • CDK 4/6 • Novel agents in HR+ • CAPItello • EMERALD • NRG BR002 Early Breast Cancer • MonarchE • POSITIVE • SWOG 1007 …
Updates in Colorectal Cancer Thomas Reske, M.D. PhD CMD FACP AGFS Louisiana State University Health Science Center New Orleans, LA Disclosure I do not have any commercial or financial relationship to any topics or products discussed. A commercial interest is any entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed …
April 7 marks the 75th anniversary of World Health Day, with this year's theme centered around achieving health for all. This directive can be accomplished in part by increasing access to high-quality healthcare nationwide.
Learn how recent guideline and treatment options by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) can optimize care for patients with MPNs.
ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY CANCER CENTERS 1 An Innovative Approach to Navigating Patients Through Cancer Diagnostics ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY CANCER CENTERS W hen ACCC began its journey to explore how cancer programs and practices around the country are meeting the demands of increased precision medicine testing, the concept of precision medicine stewards—a nuanced approach …
April 5, 2023
Join the Hawaii Society of Clinical Oncology for a discussion with Dr. Velotta, UCSF Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery at Kaiser Permanente. Dr. Velotta will go into detail about the Contemporary Surgical Management for Esophageal Cancer in 2023 and Beyond. Jeffrey Velotta, MD Thoracic Surgery, UCSF Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Surgery Kaiser Permanente 3660 …
The rising costs of anti-cancer treatment in the United States have placed adolescents and young adults with cancer at an increased risk for financial toxicity.
Hear suggestions for how to reduce financial hurdles and increase access to cancer diagnostics.
April 4, 2023
Join the Hawaii Society of Clinical Oncology for a discussion with Dr. Velotta, UCSF Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery at Kaiser Permanente. Dr. Velotta will go into detail about the Contemporary Surgical Management for Esophageal Cancer in 2023 and Beyond. Jeffrey Velotta, MD Thoracic Surgery, UCSF Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Surgery Kaiser Permanente 3660 …
ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY CANCER CENTERS 1 An Innovative Approach to Navigating Patients Through Cancer Diagnostics ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY CANCER CENTERS W hen ACCC began its journey to explore how cancer programs and practices around the country are meeting the demands of increased precision medicine testing, the concept of precision medicine stewards—a nuanced approach …
ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY CANCER CENTERS 1 What is Biomarker Testing? ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY CANCER CENTERS A Financial Advocate’s Guide to Biomarker Testing in Cancer Patients with cancer often undergo biomarker testing to determine if a targeted therapy may be an effective treatment option. Biomarkers may include things like genes, proteins, and other molecular …