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Marketing for the Oncology Practice Marketing for the Oncology Practice by Teri U. Guidi, M.B.A., F.A.A.M.A., and Jennifer Gruber arketingof health care has changed drastically. Not so long ago, tradi- tional mar- keting of health care through advertisements was virtually nonexistent outside the insurance and technical product industries. Today, however, hospi- tals routinely advertise …
The Oncology Nursing Shortage and its Impact on Cancer Care Services The Oncology Nursing Shortage and Its Impact on Cancer Care Services by Marcia A. Satryan, R.N., M.S.N., aCN'" s newspapers across the coun- try continue their focus on healthinsurance and managed care, the media are giving little attention to a serious problem that has the potential to impact quality health care …
ACCC's Ninth Oncology Presidents' Retreat ACCC's Ninth Oncology Presidents' Retreat A New Administration and Continued Threats to Cancer Care Leaden from many of the nation's cancer patient advocacy organizations gathered for their own briefing about legislative and regulatory issues. L eaders from nationaloncology associations,state oncology societies,and cancer patient advoca-cy organizations …
E-Health and Oncology: A Legal Perspective E- I IEA LTH CARE AN D O N CO LOGY E·Health and Oncology: A Legal Perspective by J. Peter Rich, J.D.. and SCott A. Edelstein, J.D., M.P.A. or many health Care providers. e-healtb via the Internet and other cyber tools may represent borh an alternate source of revenue and a more cost-effective means of health care delivery. Unfortunately, …
The Beauty of Diversity • I The Beauty of Diversity by Ronald H. Lands, M.D. I t has been almost 60 yearssince Oak Ridge suddenlyappeared on the map. BeforeWorld War II it was not evena town, just another rural area in East Tennessee, sparsely popu~ lated by folks whose ancestors had scratched a living out of the Appalachian dirt since the mid- 17005. All this changed in 1942, when President …
Overview: Past, Present, and Future RADIATION ONCOLOGY 2001 Overview: Past, Present,and Future by Dale E. Fuller, M.D., F.A.C.R. ot so long ago, radiation oncolo- gywas called r-.diation therapy :mel had for an organization only a few dozen radi- ation therapists who met for dinner, usually on the Tuesday evening of the annual meet- ing of the RadiologicalSociety of North America …
Launching your Oncology Practice Web Site E - HEALTH CARE A ND ONCOLOGY Launching Your Oncology Practice WebSite by Ricky Lark, Ph.D., April Young, Janice J. Fore, and Jivesh Sharma, M.D. Ricky Lark, Ph.D., i5 webmaster and director ofbusiness deoelopment for Health IT, and editor-in-chiefof, Health IT's regional consumer portal. April Youngis director ofdevelopment …
Lessons Learned from Managed Care Mania , . Lessons Learned from Managed Care Mania Over the last fewyears the cancer carecommunity, which includes atients, theiradvocacy associations, oncofogy nurses, andoncologists, has been extraordinarily busywith the Clinton Administration's multiple initiatives that were designed to cut payments for oncol- ogy services. These payment cuts were …
The Darkness Around Us The Aasoclatlon of Community Cancer Centera FACT More than 670 medi cal cent en, hospita ls, cancer clin ics, :.nd practices across rhe U.S. are ACCC members. This group tr eats 40 percent of :.11 new cancer pat ien ts seen in the Ll.S. each year. AC CC members also includ e more th an 390 individual members and 18 sta te oncology soc iety chapters. The Darkness …
Web Sites 101 WEB SITES 101 by Mary K. Pedigo. CPA. cn The Internet is .1 worldwidenetwork of computers• andth e U'orld U'ide U'eb is .a network of informa tion resou rces. The Web relies o n three mecha - nisms to make these resources available: • A unif onn nami ng JdJt~me for each web site (e.g.• URis. or U niform Resource Identifiers. which include URLs or U nifo rm Resour ce …
Guarding Against Medicare Fraud Guarding Against Medicare Fraud by Roberta L. Buell, M.B.A. Q: What isMedicare fraud? A: Medicare defines fraud as the intentional deception or misrepre- sentation by an individual that could result in some unauthorized benefit, such as reimbursement under the Medicare program. Q: What aresomeexamples of Medicare fraud? .-I : If you are participating in …
Overcoming Barriers to FDG-PET Imaging in Fargo, North Dakota Overcoming Barriers to FOG-PET Imaging in Fargo, North Dakota by Donna Newman, R.T!", CNMT, and Lisa Stocks-Brush, R.T!", CNMT he use of positron emission tomogra- phy ( PET) to detect and stagedisease or monitor therapy for certain cancers is increasing. The pre- dominant tumor imaged by PET centers is non- small cell lung …
An Interview with ACCC's New President An Interview with ACCC's New President: Teresa D. Smith, R.N., M.S.N. Q: Welcome to y OI4T n~ /X?sitiOll . s Acee President: Pu ase tell Jd Aboul YOUTb4tckgrollnd find experience. 1 Thank rou,Currenrly, I am director 0 oncology at th e University of Wisconsin H ospitals and C linics in Madison, Wise. Pri or to my arrival in Wisconsin. I was th e …
Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation as Treatment for Liver Cancer at the John Wayne Cancer Institute Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation as Treatment for Uver Cancer at the John Wayne Cancer Institute by Thomas F. Wood. M.D., and Anton J. Bilchik, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S. r the john Wayne Cancer Institute in Santa Monica, Calif., patients with a diagnosis of primary or metastatic liver cancer are …
Creating a Better Workplace Creating a Better Workplace by Ruth Linne Lander, F.A.C.M.P.E. As administrator of aneight-person physicianpractice in Columbus,Ohio, I havethe won-derful responsibility to create a work environment in which staff looks forward to coming in on a Monday morning. I haveworked long and hard to become a better listener and to empower staff to grow and make more strategic …
Patient/Physician E-mails: A Blessing or a Curse? Patient/Physician E-mails: A Blessing or a Curse? by James A. Stewart . M.D. Over the past year I han ' beenusing e-mail more oftenwith my patients. In fact. my e-mail address is readily avail- able via the clinic directo ry . I believe that for some patients access to my e-mail address can alleviate the emotio nal burden of actually having …
Way Off Track Under APCs The A.aoc:lBtlon of Community Cance, Cente,. FACT More than 650 medical cente rs, hospitals, cancer clinics. and pr actices across th e U.S. are AC CC members. Thi s group treats 40 percent of all new cancer patients seen in th e U.S. each reo- AC CC members also include more tholn 390 ind ividu al members and t 8 state o ncology society chapte rs. Way Off Track …
Implementing an Automated Medication and Supply Distribution System in an Oncology Practice Re-tooling YOUR PRACTICE Implementing an Automated Medication and Supply Distribution System in an Oncology Practice by Bruce Feinberg, D.O., Richard S. Left, M.D., and Michael Reagan, R.Ph. he use of automated systems in health care has been increasing over the past several years. At the same …
Crisis or Opportunity? Crisis or Opportunity? W hac will2001 bring for the Associationof Community Cancer Centers andour patients ? In the dark of the nightwhen I cannot sleep, I ponder thisquestion and worry about the regula- tory and legislative assaults on cancer care. In the light of day. however, my thoughts turn to the many cppcr- tunities we have to create a cancer care system focused …
The Expanding Role of Physician Assistants in an Oncology Practice The Expanding Role of Physician Assistants in An Oncology Practice by Usa Schnabel, P.A.-e.. and Julie Solley, P.A.-e. , M.H.S. hysician assis- tants art a rela- tivd y new tate- gory of h•ahh careprofessional that hasestab- lished a strong foothold in health care services over the past three decades. Also referred 10 …