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Audiotaping the Oncology Consultation: An Intervention to Increase Patient Satisfaction Audiotaping the Oncology Consultation: An Intervention to Increase Patient Satisfaction by Anthony J. Ferri, Ph.D., Cheryl Bowles, R.N., Ed.D., and Susan Michael, R.N., D.N.Sc. he first visit of a cancer patient to an oncologist is often accompanied by anxiety, disbelief, and fear-powerful emotions that …
E-Health: An Oncology Connection E·Health: An Oncology Connection by Jim Christie and Patti Jamieson-Baker. M.S.S.W., M.B.A. E-health is on the minds ofalmost everyone. We readabout e-health in ourprofessional j~urnal s andhear presentations on e- health at conferences. How does a health care institution. and particu- larly an oncology program, develop an e-heahh strategy that is feasible …
American Association of Physicists in Medicine American Association of Physicists in Medicine by J. Daniel Bourland, Ph.D. J. DAnwl B8NrL.nd, Ph.D., isIlssU14nt professor Andhed, Physic Section, Dep.:ntm ent ofR.4dUaion Oncology, Wa e Forest Unit/miry School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, N.G. He ischairman ofthe AAPM Electronic Media Coordinating Committee, chairman ofthe new AAPM …
Celebrating Our Nurses Celebrating Our Nurses Nurses across the country were recognizedand celebrated for their spirit of caring dur-ing Nurses Week, May 6 to 12. OUf hospital,the University of Wisconsin Hospital andClinics in Madison, had numerous events planned to honor and celebrate the contributions that nurses make to our patients and the organization. An event that I look forward …
A Trio of Model Fundraising Approaches A Trio of Model Fundraising Approaches The Dana-Farber C.cer Institute is using three main lools-Visiting Committees, online giving, and cause-related market- ing-to create new revenue sources. We have had very good success with Visiting Committees. Although not a fundraising activity per se, this technique is a powerful way [0 pro- vide high …
Reform of the Medicare Provider Contracting Process CAPnOL COMMENTS Reform of the Medicare Provider Contracting Process by Christian G. Downs Over the past severalyears, many of youhave been workingwith organizations suchas ACCC to effect poli- cy for your Medicarebeneficiaries. Sometimes, this tremendous effort seemsto payoff, and we are able to makea change at the Centers for Medicareand …
American College of Radiation Oncology American College of Radiation Oncology by Arve W. Gillette, M.D. Arve W. Gillette, M.D., ispresident ofthe Americen College of Radiation Oncology, headquartered in Oak Brook, Ill. He is medical director of radiation oncology at Community Hospitals of Indian4poUs, and chairman ofthe Legislative and Regulatory Committee ofusOncology. WHO WE ARE The …
Mobile Infirmary Medical Center and the Cancer Center of Southern Alabama Mobile Infirmary Medical Center and the Cancer Center of Southern Alabama Partners In Cancer Care, Leaders In Research and Outreach Established in 1910,theMobile Infirmary MedicalCenter is the largest pri-vate, non-profit hospitalin Alabama. Located along the central Gulf Coast, its closest urban neighbors with major …
An Oncologist's Perspective COUNTERPOINT An Oncologist's Perspective by Cary A. Presant, M.D., F.A.C.P. he Medicare statutes and regulations promulgated by the Health Care Financing Adminis- tration (HCFA) for statutory implemen- tation have been a benefit to cancer patients in the United States. On the positive side, the system generallyensures that patients receive the oncologiccare …
Building Ties Between Cancer Centers and Hospices Building Ties Between Cancer Centers by Jeff Lycan, R.N., and Elaine Glass. R.N., M.S., ADeN" nd-of-life caredeci- sions have become a maj~r topic of dis- cussion among can- ca care profession- als as well as the mainstream media. Studies demonstrate that more than 50 percent of patients dying in hospitalshavemoderateto severe pain, and …
A Call for Medicare Reform of the Education and Payment Systems CAPnOL COMMENTS A Call for Medicare Reform of the Education and Payment Systems by Christian G. Downs For years providers havebeen frustrated by whatthey consider to be poorinformation and unclearinstructions from Medicare and their carriers about billing and payment policies. A case in point: Medicare offers to cover …
APCs—Looking Ahead APes-Looking Ahead by Christ ian G. Downs Mmy 01 youin rhehospital outpatientdepartment are wellinto your initial expe-rience with billin~ ambulatory payment classifications (APCs). Now is a good opportunity to review the whole system. Why were APCs implemented in the hos- pital ou tpatient department? Q uite simply. to save the federalgovern- ment mon ey. In 1998 Medicare …
Methodist Regional Cancer Center Methodist Medical Center of Oak Ridge Methodist Regional Cancer Center Methodist Medical Center of Oak Ridge Enjoying Diversity In a Caring Environment M ethodist MedicalCenter was built bythe U.S. Army dur-ing World War II toprovide medical care for the scientists and general staff of the tOP secret Manhattan Project in Oak Ridge. Although originally a …
Community Cancer Programs and Hospice Services Community Cancer Programs and Hospice Services H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, Fla. Michael A. Wt!itzner, M.D., chiefof Pal!idti'Ve Care The H. Lee Moffitt CancerCenter, a National CancerInstitute-designated cancer center that has evolved into a regional cancer center serving the southeastern U.S., has a unique perspective regarding …
When's it Going to Happen? The A&soclatlon of Community Canc:er Centers FACT More th an b50 meJical cente rs, htl~p ital ~ , cance r clinic s, and pra~·til'e ~ across th e u.s,arc ACCC members. This ~roup treat s 40 pl'rCl'nt of all new cancer paricnrs seen in th e u .S. each vcar. AC CC mem bers also incluJd mor e tha n J'JO individ ual members and IIIstate oncolop' SA-appu lVl·d Jru~s …
In the News Free Physician Web Sites from Meclscape Irt ._. • _ --_.._---_ ""'_._-.... -,....._ .. ..._._--_-... - ..-_..---_... -----...-.._-- --_.._- _. --_.._..._.._- ----- _- ----.-..._......_-- RECRUnMENT MARKET STRONQ IN HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY The market for permanent clinical physician positions is strong in nearly all specialties, with no major weaknesses, according to the January …
June 30, 2022 Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Minority Leader Mitch McConnell United States Senate United States Senate S-221 U.S. Capitol Building S-230 U.S. Capitol Building Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20510 Speaker Nancy Pelosi Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy United States House of Representatives United States House of Representatives H-232 U.S. Capitol …
BiomarkerLIVE Biomarker Testing in Practice: Process Improvement Toolkit 1 INTRODUCTION Multiple challenges arise when attempting to integrate biomarker testing into community oncology practices. This toolkit focuses on four key elements that must be taken into account when developing a precision medicine program that incorporates biomarker testing: 1. Provider Education 2. Patient …
SCAN FOR FREE REGISTRATION! SCOS 2022 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Friday, August 5 - Saturday, August 6 Wild Dunes Resort Isle of Palms, SC SCOS 2022 Annual Conference Brochure.indd 1SCOS 2022 Annual Conference Brochure.indd 1 6/23/2022 12:05:56 PM6/23/2022 12:05:56 PM Friday, August 5* 12:00 PM Registration Open, Networking Lunch, Resource Center 1:00 PM Welcome & …
Though managing and adapting to change can be two of the most stressful and intimidating elements of leadership, Dr. Schmidtman shares why leaders should embrace change just as their patients do.