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The President's Corner Oncology Issu es ThoJoumAlof lllo "~of Comrn.""y Can«'fC""'" Snllor t:d hor l.« E. Moo m ...... M.S.• M,PA. ACCC E.\ecu,iye Dim;1Dr Ma nAJllinlt:.ditor Marilyn Manni'll" Producclon t:.ditor Carol K. John""'" EDiTO RI" L BO" RD Paul N. "nde'IWII. M D. Robe" T.O arke. M H.A. RlIbrrI E. End . MD, Paul F, Engo'rom. M.D. D. FInn, ng. M.D. Jmniftf …
The President's Corner The President's Corner PATIENT ADVOCACY GUIDES ACCC REIMBURSEMENT EFFORTS Over the past few months, I have been increas- ingly involved in discussions relating to reim- bursement in the area of cancer care. Much has been written in this Journal and elsewhere about the subject. Much, much more is to come. As the Association of Community Cancer Centers becomes …
Cancer Program Medical Directors: Growing in Number and Importance CANCER PROGRAM MEDICAL DIRECTORS: GROWING IN NUMBER AND IMPORTANCE Marilyn M. Mannisto Michael S. Ney, MPA rtX7!hat are the duties and challenges ofcancer program medical directors? A national sur- L!.I.Jvey by the ACCC provides data on compensation. percentage of time devoted to man- agement duties, reporting …
ACCC Annual Meeting Spurs Government Relations Initiatives ACCC Annual Meeting Spurs Government Relations Initiatives Phil Sharpe (above) and Sherry Hayes (right) provided an "insider's view" of washington ACCC HOSTS CONGRESSIONAL BREAKFAST The subject of government relations pervaded the ACCC Nat ional Meeting in Washington, DC, which sponsored a Congressional Breakfast featuring …
Interpretations of CPT Coding Create Confusion among Oncologists INTERPRETATIONS OF CPT CODING CREATE CONFUSION AMONG ONCOLOGISTS by Martin E. Nellner Martin E. Neltner, is president, Ne/tner Billing & Consulting Services, Inc.. Cincinnati, OH, an oncology practice management firm. PATIENT VISIT Personnel: MedicallOffice Spaceandequipment CHARGE Medical supplies Privateofficeonly …
The President's Corner… The President's Corner. . . A VISION OF THE FUTURE Every three years, the ACCC board goes through a five-year, long-range planning exercise. That may sound odd, but reality keeps outpacing speculation. The board and staff have found that even with a relatively short planning horizon, we need to annually look at what we are trying to do and if our actions are accomplishing …
Annual Meeting Highlights: Quality versus Reimbursement… and other Conundrums ANNUAL MEETING HIGH LIGHTS: QUALITY VERSUS REIMBURSEMENT... AN D OTHER CONUNDRUMS ACCC Election Results Broder Calls forHonest Dialogue with the Public "We need to tell the public that there is good and bad news in the detection, pre- vention, and treatment of cancer," said Samuel Broder, M.D., director of …
FDA's Treatment IND: Good News or Bad News for Cancer Care? FDA'S TREATMENT IND: GOOD NEWS OR BAD NEWS FOR CANCER CARE? Marilyn M. Mannisto Managing Editor Association ofCommunity Cancer Centers Summary: Many providers believe the FDA's new "fast track" approval process for experi- mental drugs-treatment IND-is a step in the right direction , but participants at a recent AMA-FDA conference …
Quality Control Challenges in the New Competitive Marketplace ~ IBurroughs WellcomeCo. Wellcome Research Triangle Park.NC11109 Dennis S. O'Leary, M.D. President Joint Commission on Accreditation ofHospitals QUALITY CONTROL CHALLENGES IN THE NEW COMPETITIVE MARKETPLACE health care providers consider whether or not a test or a treatment is really necessary. They do not want theircare …
Oncology Program Medical Directors ONCOLOGY PROGRAM MEDICAL DIRECTORS Moving From Practice To Administration Catherine A. Novak, R.N., M.S. The Enck family, standing in front of theirnew home in Columbus, Ohio, on movingday, exemplifies more than just a change in geographic location. The Encks and many other oncol- ogyfamilies are changingcareers,communities, roles, and …
From the Editor… FROM THE EDITOR... ON THE BRIDGE OR IN THE SWAMP? As Associate Editor Eileen Cahill said the other day when she began to prepare this issue's feature ar- ticle on freestanding cancer centers : "It's hard La find anyone with an existing center to say something nega- tive!" Reactions of attendees at our recent joinLly sponsored FCC conference with the AHA were …
Highlights of the Fall Leadership Conference HIGHLIGHTS OF THE FALL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Developing a Bone Marrow Transplant Program The number of bone marrow transplants performed in 1990will increase to as many as 2,000, compared to slightly more than 1,000in 19&7, predicted JamesArmitage, M.D.•Professorand ViceChairmanof Medicine.Universityof Nebraska Medical Center,Omaha. "It's a technology …
Committee Briefs developmental efforts. Ultimately, the payoffstill lies with effective problem analysis and peer review. The JCAH Initiatives In Measuring Quality The Joint Commission initiative willbegin in 1987, with clinical profiling of the hospitals ready for re-survey. We will seek information, which the hospital should already be concerned about -- high volume services, high …
FDA Review of New Indications is Lengthy, Costly Process FDA REVIEW OF NEW INDICATIONS IS LENGTHY, COSTLY PROCESS Just what is involved in changingpack- age insert labeling to include a new indica- tion for drug use? The manufacturer must obtain approval for the new indication from the FDA by submitting a supple- ment to the existing new drug application (NDA). The supplement must provide …
Two Approaches to Cancer Center Joint Venture Arrangements TWO APPROACHES TO CANCER CENTER JOINT VENTURE ARRANGEMENTS Douglas Mancino Douglas Mancino is a partner in the Los Angeles, CA, office ofMcDermott, Will & Emery. requires the merger of medical and hospi- tal interests and experti se and, frequently, the economic interests of the medical and hospital providers are combined …
ACCC 1988 Annual Meeting LETTER TO THE EDITOR... I am surprised that the expansion from clinical oncologic practice to admin- istration in government cancerprograms was not included in Catherine Novak's re- cent article in The Journal of Cancer Program Management. I have found my five years in the Division of Cancer Prevention and Control of the National CancerInstitute to bevery satisfying …
Audit Indicates Many Uses of Combination Therapy are Unlabeled AUDIT INDICATES MANY USES OF COMBINATION THERAPY ARE UNLABELED Lee E. Mortenson, M.S., M.P.A. Executive Director Association ofCommunity Cancer Centers In this second of two articles, an audit ofpatient records reveals that most ofthe combination chemotherapy regimens prescribed by oncologists in a private practice setting …
In Praise of Extravagance… IN PRAISE OF EXTRAVAGANCE... Lee E. Mortenson How many Ed Moorhead stories do you know? Personally, I have hundreds... There was the time that his staff had a necktie made with mineand Tom Tucker's telephone numbers emblazoned upon it, becauseEd wouldcall his officeeveryother day to ask for one or the other...There were Ed's famous slide shows and his gentlehumorabout …
In the News IN THE NEWS MEDICARE DEMANDS through the reimbursement implications" SUPERVISION FEE The ruling is based of such an arrangement. Although physi-clans who lease outpatient space from a REFUNDS IN INDIANA on a longstanding hospital and operate as a private practice are entitled to be reimbursed for the tech- Recent payment denials. retrospective Medicare rule that nieal …
In the News IN THE NEWS: CONFERENCE COMMITTEE AMENDS CATASTROPHIC HEALTH BILL On May 31st, the Joint Senate/House Conference Committee issued its pro- posed amended Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 (H.R. 2470)-a compromise between previous bills pro- posed by the House and the Senate. The amended act is expected to be approved by President Reagan. ACCC was instrumental …