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Committee Briefs COMMITTEE BRIEFS Administrator Special Interest Group Marsha J. Fountain, R.N., MN. Chairperson The Administrator Special Interest Group held an open forum on September 25, 1986, during the ACCC Fall Leader- shipConference in New Orleans. The two mostpopulartopicsof discussion werereimbursement issues and how to manage a cancer program. Several suggestions were madeas …
Committee Briefs… COMMITTEE BRIEFS... Ad Hoc Committee on Standards LindaO'Halloran, R.N., M.N. Chairperson The Ad Hoc Committee on Standards met in conjunction with the ACCCFall Leadership Conference in Chicago on October Ist, We reviewed two new stan- dards: CancerData System and Cancer Teaching Program. The revised standards willbe circulated by mail for the review and vote of the …
Oncology Economics IV: The Critical Reimbursement and Financial Issues The Association of Community Cancer Centers presents: ONCOLOGY ECONOMICS IV: THE CRITICAL REIMBURSEMENT AND FINANCIAL ISSUES Chicago Downtown Marriott Hotel Chicago, lllinois September 30 • October 2, 1987 SPECIAL PROGRAM FEATURES Pharmaceutical Reimbursement Problems -- What Can You Do? What Is The …
Letters to the Editor… LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ... WEILCOVORIN®TABLETS ==(leucovorin caldum)== The Proven Considerate Rescue 5 mgand 25 mg tablets Before presCrIbing WELlCOVORIN°' Tablets. please consult complete prescribing mjor- manen . The following is a bnel summary. INDICATIONS AND USAll£: VIel~1/l (IeUCO'.et1C el1ec1s of IoIIC acid anli\9onlSls (see WARNINGS) CONTRAlNOICATIONS: LeUCOVOrin …
Committee Briefs COMMITTEE BRIEFS Administrator Special Interest Group Marsha J. Fountain, R.N., MN. Chairperson The Administrator Special Interest Group held an open forum on September 25, 1986, during the ACCC Fall Leader- shipConference in New Orleans. The two mostpopulartopicsof discussion werereimbursement issues and how to manage a cancer program. Several suggestions were madeas …
Striving for Excellence: Evaluating Quality of Care in Oncology STRIVING FOR EXCELLENCE: EVALUATING QUALITY OF CARE IN ONCOLOGY Lee E. Mortenson, M.S., M.P.A Association of Community Cancer Centers Jon F. Kerner, Ph.D. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Catherine M. Novak, M.S. ELMServices, Inc. Is it possibleto evaluate and compare institutions on the basis of differences …
From the Editor… FROM THE EDITOR... A REPORT CARD ON INSURERS? Paul Anderson never fails to amaze me. In addi- tion to being a compassionate guy, and the fastest and most voracious reader I know, he occasionally comes up with an idea that knocks your socks off. One night at dinner, during the recent ACCC Annual Meeting, Rose Clive turned to me and said , "Paul had an interesting …
Ambulatory Visit Groups: How They Perform for Oncology Outpatient Departments AMBULATORY VISIT GROUPS: HOW THEY PERFORM FOR ONCOLOGY OUTPATIENT DEPARTMENTS Joanna Lion, Ph.D. Mary Henderson, Ph.D. Andrew Bergman, M.M.H.S. Alan Malbon, B.S. Heller School, Brandeis University I. INTRODUCTION ambulatory visit groups (AVGs) has become available from Yale in the last six months …
Sources of Help for Oncologists SOU RCES OF HELP FOR ONCOLOG ISTS Marilyn M. Mannisto MEDICAL CONFERENCE SPONSORSHIPS Marilyn Mannisto is managing editor ofOncology Issues. NeoRx Corporation is co-sponsoring IWO medical seminars on monoclonal anti- bodies within the next six months. The seminars will focus Of! new directions in monclonal annbody-based imaging and cancer …
The other Side… THE OTHER SIDE... Spouses Describe Impact of Changes "The stress was unbelievable," says MarthaEnck, "Even the dog had problems." Moves are always difficult.and problemsare to be expected. But lifestylechangescan create problems that surpriseeven the most prepared families. Martha Enck and Anne Katterhagen can testify to the feelings that set in after relocating to new homes …
Evaluating Quality of Care: ACCC's Clinical Indicator Project EVALUATING QUALITY OF CARE: ACCC'S.CLINICAL INDICATOR PROJECT ACCC's Clinical Indicators Initiative is, in part, support- ed by a grant from the Burroughs-Wellcome Company. Robert E. Enck, M.D. Immediate Past President Association ofCommunity Cancer Centers Part II: JCAHO's Initiative: Some 'First Cut' Indicators …
From the Editor… Subocrlpllon Rala Indi vidua l: S4ll.oo per year; In,tU.lIonal and Unrl.., $60.00 per year. ACCCmcmbcnhip duct COYCt aencnI and delCJIIC member IU boc:riptiom. Ad..rtlslnc Send =spoodcnoc. diIpI.y advcrtiting, a-tian orden, printin& material. to MarilyoManniItD, Managin& EdiIor,TM Jow,.,} ofCtJN:" Program MONIg.mccutiveDir-Mc:Caffrcy, R.N., M.N. Rodger J. Winn. MD. …
Oncology DRG Winners and Losers: A Second Look ONCOLOGY DRG WINNERS AND LOSERS: A SECOND LOOK Lee E. Mortenson, M.S., M.P.A. ACCC Executive Director and Herbert M. Baum, Ph.D. Director, Data and Research Services ELM Services, Inc. ThiS is the second in a series of reports funded by the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) DRG Research Program. This report focuses on …
Evaluating Quality of Care: ACCC's Clinical Indicator Project EVALUATING QUALITY OF CARE: ACCC'S CLINICAL INDICATOR PROJECT ACCC CLINICAL INDICATOR CORE COMMITTEE Charles Coltrnan, M.D.• Southwest Oncology Group. San Antonio. TX William Creasman. M.D.• Medical University of South Carolina. Charleston, SC Peter Deckers. M.D., National Surgical Adjuvant Breast & Bowel Project. Avon. CT Herbert …
ACCC Approves Use of Black-Bordered Cards ACCC APPROVES USE OF BLACK-BORDERED CARDS Sincerely,..... _ SignedAddres-s------------ Dear _ I wish to inform you that one of your constituents, who was a patient of mine, has died. The death was due to the following disease: o lung cancer o chronic obstructive lung disease o coronary heart disease o other tobacco-related cancer or vascular …
The President's Corner… The President's Corner. . . STRATEGIC CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE OPTIMAL INTEGRATION OF THE CANCER INDUSTRY INTO THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS OF THE 1990'S For too long now, we as cancer care providers have competed against each other for image, reputation, and dollars. Consequently, we have not developed a unified position on either issues or plans. This lack of unity …
The President's Corner… The President's Corner. . . BUT WHAT IS A FREESTANDING CANCER CENTER? This issue of The Journal of Cancer Program Management is devoted to the newest and hottest topic in oncology, i.e. the freestanding cancer center (FCC). Although FCCs arc not really new, having been around for several years, they have in a sense been discovered and popu- larized especially with …
From the Editor… FROM THE EDITOR... Quality Fights Back In this issue of The Journal of Cancer Pro- gram Management, three articles examine hospital quality of care issues. "Quality" is clearly re-emerging as a major national health care issue. It is going to be eval- uated....and. though it is going to be tough to make appro- priate comparisons, comparisons are going to be made! As …
Letter to the Editor… Letter to the Editor... COMMUNITY INITIATED RESEARCH A NOTE OF CAUTION Rodger J. Winn, M.D. Victor G. Vogel, M.D., M.D.S. Deborah K. Coody, R.N., M.S. Community Oncology Program MD. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute Research initiated and conducted at the community level is not easy.Com- munity basedoncologists are limited in theiraccess to investigational …
View from the Top in the clinical settings of a second opinion clinic and high risk screen- ing clinic, both of which he ini- tiated. Remaining in touch with the clinical side of oncology was a high priority for him, particularly after investigating some other admini- strative positions with no clinical involvement. In Winn's opinion, abandoning all clinical involvement for a purely administrative …