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A Commonsense Approach to Maximizing Office Reimbursement A Commonsense Approach to Maximizing Office Reimbursement Summary: James Bullion and Cavan Redmond, both a/whom have extensive experience with insurance claims processing systems, have some simple but effective tips to help office-based physicians and their staffs to maximize reimbursement. James Bullion Consultant Medidentic …
Letter to the Editor… NOMINATIONS FOR ACCC OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ... COPING WITH BREAST CANCER This practical guide to coping with the emotional impact of breast cancer was writ- ten by a psychologist whose breast cancer was successfully treated. "Invisible Scars: A Guide to Coping With the Emotional Impact of Breast Cancer," by Mimi Greenberg, Ph.D., addresses …
Committee Briefs ACCC APPROVES USE OF BLACK-BORDERED CARDS Sincerely,..... _ SignedAddres-s------------ Dear _ I wish to inform you that one of your constituents, who was a patient of mine, has died. The death was due to the following disease: o lung cancer o chronic obstructive lung disease o coronary heart disease o other tobacco-related cancer or vascular disease This person …
Oncology DRG Winners and Losers: A Second Look ONCOLOGY DRG WINNERS AND LOSERS: A SECOND LOOK Lee E. Mortenson, M.S., M.P.A. ACCC Executive Director and Herbert M. Baum, Ph.D. Director, Data and Research Services ELM Services, Inc. ThiS is the second in a series of reports funded by the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) DRG Research Program. This report focuses on …
Committee Briefs… COMMITTEE BRIEFS... Administrators Special Interest Group ClaudiaLee Chairperson The fastest growing ACCC specialty group, the Administrators Special Interest Groupcontinues to develop a national network of cancer program administrators who share ideas on cancer program devel- opment. To better understand the growing complexity of demandson cancer program …
Cancer Program Product Line Management The Association of Community Cancer Centers presents: CANCER PROGRAM PRODUCT LINE MANAGEMENT Sheraton Washington Hotel Washington, D.C. March 11th - 14th, 1987 SPECIAL PROGRAM FEATURES Advances in Cancer Control V: jointly sponsored with the Association of American Cancer Institutes (AACI) Standards for Community Cancer Programs: Two …
Proposed Payment Changes Raise Quality, Innovation and Medical Judgment Issues _______~---_I!II PROPOSED PAYMENT CHANGES RAISE QUALITY, INNOVATION AND MEDICAL JUDGMENT ISSUES Marilyn Mannisto Managing Editor Association ofCommunity CancerCenters In 1990,a Florida woman is diagnosed as havingovariancancer. After surgeryand three monthsof combinationchemotherapy, no trace of disease …
The President's Corner… The President's Corner. . . STRATEGIC CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE OPTIMAL INTEGRATION OF THE CANCER INDUSTRY INTO THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS OF THE 1990'S For too long now, we as cancer care providers have competed against each other for image, reputation, and dollars. Consequently, we have not developed a unified position on either issues or plans. This lack of unity …
Operating and Managing Freestanding Cancer Centers OPERATING AND MANAGING FREESTANDING CANCER CENTERS Eileen W. Cahill Associate Executive Director Association ofCommunity CancerCenters Talking about bottom line issues in health care makes providers uneasy. The prevailing attitude has been that health care is a service. The reality is that health care is now a multibillion dollar …
Editorial…: Clinical Research in the Community Editorial... CLINICAL RESEARCH IN THE COMMUNITY Thomas M. Beck, M.D. Nan E. Hart, B.A. Mountain States Twnor Institute The increased numberof physicians specializing in medical oncology has re- sulted in a migration of physicians treating oncology patients from academic institutions into community based prac- tices. It is estimated that …
The President's Corner… The President's Corner. . . THE STANDARDS: A GIANT STEP FORWARD ON FRIDAY THE 13TH At the thirteenth National Meeting on Friday, March 13, the Delegate members unanimously approved all 20 of the Standards at the Houseof Delegates meeting. As was commentedat that time, the endorsement of these Standards represents a giant step forward for ACCC. Prior to the House …
Policy Questions Continue to Surround Treatment IND POLICY QUESTIONS CONTINUE TO SURROUND TREATMENT IND Thomas V. Holohan, M.D. Thomas V. Holohan, M.D. is a medical officer on the medicine staff, Office ofHealth Affairs, the Food and Drug Administration, and assistant professor, Department ofMedicine, Uniformed Services University ofthe Health Sciences. The opinions expressed are those …
Letter to the Editor… LETTER TO THE EDITOR... NEW ACCC REIMBURSEMENT PROJECT I have reviewed your November issue of the Journal of Cancer Program Management with con- siderable interest. I think you have rendered a real service in providing information about payment for can- cer treatment. However, I am concerned about the mis-use of the term Prospective Payment System when referring …
The President's Corner… The President's Corner. . . The Shoe Store, Pushing the Envelope, and Quality Patient Care On the whole there are some days when I would rather be sellingshoes.Customers either buy or don't buy your product. If you can't meet their exact needs, they can go somewhere up the block and try a couple of other stores. You go home at night, and maybe worry about whether …
In the News IN THE NEWS: JCAHO REPORTS FIRST RESULTS OF CLINICAL INDICATOR FIELD TESTING To date, the data burden involved in the collectionof obstetrics/gynecology and anesthesiology clinical indicatorsis mini- mal. according(0 Betty Fuchs, project managerfor field activitiesat the Joint Commission for Accreditation of HealthCare Organizations (JCAHO). Threedifferentsets of data …
Scenes from the Annual Meeting seE ES FROM THE A VAL MEETI G Dr. Frellc k shows hls allegia nce b)' d isplaying hls CCO P hat. Ma rsha Fountain, R.:"., M.:"., newly elected ACCC Board member, Karen Switzer, and Lind a Kenn elly enjoy one of the break s In the exhibi tors ' area . Dr. David King, ACCC's new Pres ident -Elect a nd Dr. Paul Anderson , now A CC's Imm ediate Past President …
Other Areas That Merit Review: Forms, Denials, and Appeals requests for further information, An additional source of lost revenue is the failure to periodically spot check the data that is forwarded to carriers. This simple management responsibility should be per- formed at least once per year whether claims are processed manually or on a computer system. If insurance forms are being typed …
A Study of Patients in Cancer-Related DRGs A STUDY OF PATIENTS IN CANCER· RELATED DRGs Susan D. Horn, Ph.D. and Phoebe D. Sharkey, Ph.D. Center for Hospital Finance and Management The JohnsHopkins Medical Institutions ~ ABSTRACT .1" he DRGs representing lymphoma, leukemia, and other cancer-related diseases contain wide variations in patient severityofillnessand use …
A Study of Patients in Cancer-Related DRGs A STUDY OF PATIENTS IN CANCER· RELATED DRGs Susan D. Horn, Ph.D. and Phoebe D. Sharkey, Ph.D. Center for Hospital Finance and Management The JohnsHopkins Medical Institutions ~ ABSTRACT .1" he DRGs representing lymphoma, leukemia, and other cancer-related diseases contain wide variations in patient severityofillnessand use …
Fall Conference Highlights FALL CONFERENCE HI. community care (7.7 10 6.8 percent). and nonclinical (managerial) settings(13.7 percentto 10.8 percent). TIle shonage shows no immediate sign of easing up. Irwin says that RN pro- grams have experienced "ex treme declines" in enrollments. For instance. 250.000 students were enrolled in nursing programs in 1983. compared to less than 200.000 …