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ACCC wrote a letter to Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden and Ranking Member Mike Crapo regarding drug pricing legislation being worked on by members of Congress. The letter asks that Congress remove providers from the middle of proposed drug pricing negotiations between the federal government and drug manufactures, siting the potential for negative repercussions on cancer care providers and …
1801 Research Boulevard, Suite 400 • Rockville, MD 20850 • T: 301.984.9496 • F: 301.770.1949 • February 1, 2022 The Honorable Ronald Wyden Chairman, Senate Committee on Finance 221 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C., 20510 The Honorable Michael Crapo Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Finance 239 Dirksen Senate Office Building …
January 31, 2022 The Honorable Charles Schumer Majority Leader United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable Mitch McConnell Minority Leader United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Speaker United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable Kevin McCarthy Minority Leader United States House of Representatives …
ACCC was one of 336 organizations that signed onto a letter to Congress on January 31, 2022, in support of comprehensive telehealth reform. The recommendations aim to provide significant relief to patients and providers concerned about the commitment to telehealth after the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency.
Self-Study Chapter 3: Strategies to Improve Treatment Adherence Introduction In this activity, participants will review strategies to improve treatment adherence in patients with HER2+ metastatic breast cancer. Q1: Pretest Question Tucatinib/capecitabine/trastuzumab combination therapy requires patient education to minimize the dose-limiting potential of which most common side effect? …
Chapter 2: Treatment-related Adverse Events Introduction: In the past few years, several new targeted therapies have been added to the treatment landscape for HER2+ breast cancer.1 While effective, these therapies can have significant toxicities that need to be closely managed. In this activity, participants will examine solutions for monitoring and managing treatment-related adverse events …
Self-Study Chapter 1: Advanced HER2-Positive Breast Cancer Select Treatment Options Introduction In this activity, participants will review sequencing of HER2-directed therapies, recognize the frequency of brain metastases, and explore the use of HER2-directed therapies in women with brain metastases. Pre Test A 54-year-old post-menopausal woman presents with de novo metastatic …
Although community-based psychological first aid training is most often provided to prepare for front-line emergencies, Avera Cancer Institute recognized the potential for this training to help foster a culture of resilience and mutual support.
Cancer screenings may have decreased since the pandemic, but the need for them hasn't. “You can continue to do the work you’re doing; we just need to be mindful," says Nora Katurakes, RN, MSN, OCN. "We can’t just stop living. … We’re going to have to learn how to live with COVID-19 in our community.”
PATIENT PERCEPTIONS OF BIOMARKER TESTING A mixed-methods approach to understand the patient experience related to biomarker testing for NSCLC APPENDIX A: Patient Survey 1. To confirm, are you a 1. A lung cancer patient/survivor 2. Caregiver or former caregiver to a lung cancer patent TERMINATE 3. Neither TERMINATE 2. What is your age? ________ [PROGRAM OPEN END RANGE …
PATIENT PERCEPTIONS OF BIOMARKER TESTING A mixed-methods approach to understand the patient experience related to biomarker testing for NSCLC APPENDIX B: Focus Group Guide 1. Introductions and Orientation to Online Meeting (5 MINS) a. Explanation of research b. Assurance of neutrality c. Orientation to online meeting platform d. Discussion rules e. Confidentiality/Observation/Recording …
Rockville, MD — The Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) announced today the release of consensus-driven recommendations to improve diversity, equity, and accessibility in cancer research. “The ACORI Summit jumpstarted critical conversations on health equity in cancer care research, including the roles—and responsibilities—oncology programs and practices have to carry out equitable and accessible …
In this episode, hear from two experts in cancer immunotherapy on the exciting potential of TIL Cell Therapy in melanoma and beyond.
ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY CANCER CENTERS 2021 PATIENT ASSISTANCE & REIMBURSEMENT GUIDE 17 Medicaid Program Financial Navigation Flowchart No Insurance Medicare: Eligible (Age 65/Retired/ Disabled) Medicare: Age 65 and retired with a Medicare Supplemental Plan Medicare: Advantage Plan (Age 65/Retired/ Disabled) Other Government Programs …
Relational work does not require a doctor’s orders, but without it there is no humanity in the delivery of patient care. Nurses who do not have time to deliver relational care can become unfulfilled, disappointed with their work, and burned out—the altruism for which many of them entered the profession gone.
This publication is a benefit of membership Association of Community Cancer Centers Vol. 37 | No. 1 | 2022 Integrating Spiritual Care in the Outpatient Oncology Setting | 50 Improving the Culture of Your Cancer Center, One Idea at a Time | 36 Adapting a Psychological First Aid Program in the COVID-19 Era | 30 ISSUES ONCOLOGY Association of Community Cancer Centers A Primary …
This article explores Johns Hopkins University’s unique approach to recruiting specialists outside the field of oncology to participate in its virtual immune-related Toxicity Team.
fast facts Are We at Risk of a Physician Turnover Epidemic? • Nearly 70% of physicians surveyed say they are actively disengaged from their employers. • 54% of physicians surveyed said COVID-19 has changed their employment plans. • Of those 54%, half (50%) are considering leaving for a new healthcare employer, 21% said they may hang up their white coat for early …
This cancer program needed to build an organizational and operational structure that would support change and encourage adoption and growth. The answer: the Daily Improvement Program.
The Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (HOPPS) for calendar year 2022.