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Unbundling and Oncology Services under Medicare Unbundling and Oncology Services under Medicare by Roberta L. Buell, M.B.A, Q; What isunbundling? A: Unbundling is the process of billing components of a procedure or service as separate services when they are, in fact, one service. The most common example is billing a hysterectomy, salpingectomy, and oophorectomy separately- although there …
How to Re-engineer Your Oncology Practice Re-tooling YOUR PRACTICE How to Re-engineer Your Oncology Practice by Craig Kishaba, M.B.A. ncologists in private practice and office man- agers are faced with four major challenges as they work to make all aspects of daily operation as efficient and cost effective as possible: • improving patient access • assuring effective and appropri- …
Rising Health Care Prices , CAPITOL COMMENTS , Rising Health Care Prices by Christian G. Downs , As a new year begins, weshould take a moment toreflect on recent trendsin the costs of health ser-vices. Since the past is prologue, these trends may indicate what the future holds. The quarterly Health Care Indicators (HeI), published by the National Health Statistics Group, is the …
Playing Hardball with the Insurers Playing Hardball with the Insurers by James B. Albertson III , J.D., C.P.A., F.H.F.M.A. Physicians deal ing with parti cu - Iarly stubborn. brown bag -pro- moting insurance agen cies should co nsider request ing higher reim- bursement rates for the 96400 adm inistration codes. HCFA has long been awa re that chemo thera- py administration is u …
AWP, APC, Oral Drugs Plus Much More Discussed Highlights of ACCC's 18th National Oncology Economics Conference AWP, APe, Oral Drugs Plus Much More Discussed 18th National Oncology Economics Conference held Oct. 3-6,2001, in Seattle, Wash., drew more than 300 attendees who were advised that before Congress recesses at the end of October major legislative changes are expected in Medicare …
Snow on the Beach: Forecast for 2001 The A. lM»Clat lon of Community Cancer Center . FACT More 6~0 medical ce nte rs, hll~piu l ~. cance r clini cs. and pract ices acros s the U.S. u e ACCC member s. T his gro up tr eat s 40 perccnl of .ill ncw cancer p.itienl s see n in the Ll.S. each ycu . ACCC members JIm include more than J'JO inJ is'idu.i1memhers and IHSUle on co log y society …
Council of Affiliated Regional Radiation Oncology Societies RADIATION ONCOLOGY 2001 Council of Affiliated Regional Radiation Oncology Societies by Harvey B. Wolkov, M.D., FAC.R. WHO WE ARE The Council of Affili.ateJ Regional Rad iation O ncology Societies (C ARRO S) was fou nded in 1978 to provide a mechanism for the exchange and dissemination of inforrru - lion on the clin ical practice …
Hays Cancer Center Hays Cancer center A Community Leader with Vision The H ays Mede al Ceruer(H MC) in Hays. Kans., hasprovided cancercare topatients of northwesternKansas and southwestern N ebraska for more than 50 years, The success of the Hays cancer pro· gram, which hasreceived American College of Surgeons' Commission on Cancer accreditation since 1952. can be attributed, in part, to …
American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2001 American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology by David Hussey, M.D. WHO WE ARE T he American Society for T herapeuti c Radiology and O ncology (AST RO) was fou nded in \958 to promote the practice of radia tion oncology . With a membership of 6.200. AST RO's mission is 10 advance the practice of radiat io n cncol- ogy …
Brown Bagging Chemotherapy Drugs Brown Bagging Chemotherapy Drugs A sack full of problems: Brown bagging is giving private practitioners headaches. by Astara March he practice of "brown bagging" chemotherapy drugs is a growing problem for inde- pendent oncologists in several areas of the country. The term was coined to describe what happens when 1) an insurance companr. finds an inexpensive …
Internet Technology-Based Patient Education: The CHESS Program E-HEALTH C ARE AND O N COLO GY Internet Technology-based Patient Education: The CHESS Program by James A. Stewart, M.D., Robert P. Hawkins, Ph.D., and David H. Gustafson, Ph.D. ancer manage- ment is complex, costly, technolo- gy dependent, and long-term, extending from prevention [Q end-of-life care. I Since patient-specific …
Access to Quality Cancer Care • • Access to Quality Cancer Care The year 2001 brings a new Congress ( IOlth), anew Administration, and new o ppo rtunit ies tocontinue with our basic agenda of ensuringaccess to qual ity cancer care.The l 06th Congress saw the Clinton Admi nistration attempt to change the Med icare reim- bursem ent formula for cancer chemotherapy dru gs. Thanks to a huge …
Billing for Length of Time of Physician Services under Medicare Billing for Length of Time of Physician Services under Medicare by Mary Lou Bowers, M.B.A., L.C.S.W. Q:Whenis it important for physicians to be alertto the length of time that they spendproviding service to their patients? ,+ There are four scenarios in which length of time of physician services is important: • When counseling …
We Must Work Together… Now More than Ever f . •• We Must Work Together••• Now More than Ever O n the evening of Sept. 10, I spent abouttwo hours on the telephone with LeeMortenson, ACee's executive director,discussing the many issues and develop-ments surrounding chemotherapy reim- bursement in the hospital outpatient department and the physician office. Lee and the ACee staff have …
Evaluating Medical Technology and Medicare's Coverage Process Evaluating Medical Technology and Medicare's Coverage Process by Steven H. Sheingold, Ph.D., and Sean Tunis, M.D. A vances in medicaltechnology will becritical to how well thisnation achievesits keyealth policy objectives of expanding access, improving quality, and maintaining an afford- able health care system. Advances in medical …
The Critical Need to Review Hospital Chargemasters The Critical Need to Review Hospital Chargemasters by John W. Sigmon, M.P.H., F.A.C.H.E. (/: What isa chargemaster and why isit so important? A: The hospital's chargemaster is a critical revenue-generating docu- ment. The chargemaster is linked to the cost reponing and cost accounting structures. The charge- master plays a key role in …
Inspiring Donations of $1 Million 95 percent of an organization's rev- enue comes from 5 percent of the gifts. Businesses focus their efforts on areas of greatest return, and so should development officers. At Moffitt, about 15 percent of our gifts come from corporations and through corporate foundations, corporate matching gift programs, and key corporate individuals who may sit on other …
New Medicare Rules for Clinical Trials New Medicare Rules for Clinical Trials by Roberta L. Buell, M.B.A, Wal ~t.!!r data requirements(and are not used in clinical management of the patient)and itemsand services used to determinetrial eligibility. Services that arecoveredinclude those that are medically necessary for conventional care(such as visits with the physician) as well as …
HIPAA Transaction and Security Standards: How Community Cancer Centers and Oncology Practices Should HIPAA Transaction and Security Standards: How Community Cancer Centers and Oncology Practices Should Prepare to Comply by Andrea M. Kahn-Kathmann, J.D., and Celia M. Santander, J.D. "Conflicts will no doubt continue between the wish to keep personal health information private and the need …
Society of Nuclear Medicine zeor Society of Nuclear Medicineby Louis N. Morgan, Ph.D., C.N.M.T., F.S.N.M.T.S., FAC.H.E.,Kenneth McKusick, M.D., F.A.C.R., F.A.C.N.P., and Richard Wahl, M.D., F.A.C.N.P. WHO WE ARE The Society of Nuclear Medicine (SN1\t) is an interna- tional scient ific and profession - al or ganizat ion founded in 1954 to promote th e science. techno logy. and practical …