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In the News IN THE NEWS ACCC ENDORSES ASCO REIMBURSEMENT POSITION The ACCC Executive Committee has endorsed two positions adopted by the Executive Committee of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) on reimbursement for cancercare. Those resolutions are: 1) Patients with serious and immediate- ly life-threatening diseases should not be denied coverage for the best available …
Will Good Faith Work? FROM THE EDITOR WILL GOOD FAITH WORK?* In the last edition of Oncology Issues (Summer 1989, "The Cancer Care Reimbursement Crisis: Rallying Public Support") I described the recently passed leg- islation in Michigan as being a major problem; a disaster that reflected the need for coordination among phannaceuticaI companies, national cancer organizations, and …
Association News ASSOCIATION NEWS ACCC MEMBERSHIP UPDATE Association or Community Cancer Centers Growth in Delegate Membership 1981- 1989 COMMITIEE OF PRESIDENT'S CANCER PANEL SEEKS ACCCINPUT The ACCC Board, at its January meeting. unanimously agreed to oppose the American Medical Association 's proposal 10 Introduce Registered Care Technologists (Refs) as a new category …
Cancer Centers Have Mixed Success Billing for IL2/LAK Clinical Trials CANCER CENTERS HAVE MIXED SUCCESS BILLING FOR IL2/LAK CLINICAL TRIALS claimswerecloselyscrutinizedand pay- ment for the treatmentwas routinelydenied. Generally, thecenters found that insurers weremore willingto pay room and board chargesthan chargesfor other services. However, several institutionsreportedthat paymentsfor …
Oncology Product Line Management: Is it a Reality Yet? ONCOLOGY PRODUCT LI NE MANA (;EMENT: IS IT A REALITY YET'! Marilyn M. Mannisto Managing Editor Oncology Issues Claudia Lee. vice-president, Memorial Regional Cancer Institute, Memorial Medical Center, Long Beach. CA. " In my opinion," she says, " true product line man- agement is when you have total responsi- bility for everything …
Clinical Research: Who Pays the Bill? C LIN ICA L RESEARCH: WHO PAYS TH E BILL'! Robert K. Old bam. M.D., and Rosalie A. Avent IH]as the time come for patient-funded clinical research? This article describes the estab-~ _ lishment ofclinical research in the private sector. how it is funded. and how that funding compares with research conducted in the public sector. ance premiums. …
In the News IN THE NEWS STATES REPORT according to Robert Belt, M.D .• Principal with those diseases are not eligible for any REIMBURSEMENT Investigator for the Kansas City Clinical reimbursable treatment?" CONSTRAINTS Oncology Program. "At a meeting in Chicago, a number Indiana An increasing number of states are report- of regional Blue Cross and Blue Shield Blue Cross and Blue Shield …
Getting Scrooged FROM THE EDITOR GETTING SCROOGED You remember Tiny Tim. and the ghost of Christmas future? Have you read a good insurance policy lately? Have you tried (0 treat a patient whose insurance policy doesn 't cover appropriate standard thera- py, potentially useful experimental therapy,or demands that the patient receive treatment at a hospital that doesn't have a cancer …
The Cancer Care Reimbursement Crisis: Rallying Public Support THE CANCER CARE REIMBURSEMENT CRISIS: RALLYING PUBLIC SUPPORT by Lee E. Mortenson, MS, MPA IA :S the state lobbyist/or a major insurance carrierand his corn- 'panion cornera Senator in the Rotundaof the State Capitol,you expert- encea sinkingfeeling. Perhapsthe insur- ancecarrieris going to get its way after all. Perhaps …
Understanding the Economics of Outpatient Care UN DERSTANDIN(; THE ECONOM ICS OF OUT PAT I ENT CARE J. Gale Katterhagen, M.D. Rohert T. Clarke, M.H.A. Lee E. Mortenson, MS, MPA ~ ollectively the authors have had the opportunity to examine more than two dozen ~hospitals' financial analyses of their cancer programs. Almost every analysis was incorrect. Hospitals tended to underestimate …
Letters LETTERS Proposed RCT Category Draws Fire I was much interested in the request from the Oncology Nursing Society for ACCC's opposition to the American Medical Association's (AMA's) proposal for the development of a new category of health care provider, a Registered Care Technologist (RCn. (See the "President's Corner," Oncology Issues. Fall 1988.) When this was brought up at …
Reimbursement Difficulties: The Need to Garner Public Support PRESIDENT'S CORNER REIMBURSEMENT DIFFICULTIES: THE NEED TO GARNER PUBLIC SUPPORT The Association's concerns about increasing reimbursement delays and denials for standard cancer therapy and clinical trials are finally beginning to draw media atten- tian. Recent articles in the Wall StreetJournaland USA Today, as well as …
In the News IN THE NEWS MEMBERSHIP SURVEY RESULTS FIVETop ACCC CONCERNS A recent survey of ACCC members revealed the following topics as the most impor- rant for the association and its journal to address: NOMINATIONS FOR ACCC OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES cancer therapy area would require a con- spiracy between the referring physician and the treating radiation oncologist to commit …
Reimbursement Policies Threaten Current and Future Cancer Treatment O ncology Issu es Thnf.di..... Carol K. John" ", U llTORIAI, HO ARI) PoIul N. Anll, .'01.0, O.b"ru W. lch·M.:Carr...y. R,N.. M.N. Ru,Jg... J. W,nn. MD. Julin W Yarl>m. .'01 .0 .. Ph D. ACCC OHlet:RS AND T RI :STU '..'i P........."l 1....,11 D. Fkmlng. MD. ~M..mph... TNl · t:1«'I J....nif... Fil. …
From the Editor… FROM THE EDITOR... STARVE THEM OR SHOOT THEM It finally happened. Two weeks ago a senior vice president from a major pharmaceutical company calledme up. "Lee," he said. "I have a problem I need your advice on. It's son of a cost and quality problem," he said hesitatingly, "and I don'1quite know what to do about it. I thought with your knowledge..." "Fine," I …
The Present Status and Future Outlook of Clinical Research in the Community THE PRESENT STATUS AND FUTURE OUTLOOK OF CLINICAL RESEARC H IN TH E COM MUNITY IT ihis article presents the perspectives ofthree cooperative group chairmen on the present status ofcommunity involvement in clinical research,from barriers that impede increased participation to changes that must be made to ensure …
Seven Minutes on the Air Oncology Issues Theloumal of lheAsooei.tion ofCommonilJ Cancer CenlerS Senior Editor LeeE. MOI1en!lOJl, M.S.,M.P.A. ACCCExeculi~e Direclor Managlng Editor MarilynMannislo Production Editor Carol K. Johmon EDITORIAL BOARD PaulN. Anderson, M.D. RobenT. Clme. M.H.A. RobertE. Enck, M.D. PaulF.Engsll'Om, M.D. Irvin D. Fleming,M.D. …
Readers Report Increasing Reimbursement Constraints: Survey READERS REPORT INCREASING REIMBURSEMENT CONSTRAINTS: SURVEY by Marilyn M. Mannisto TAIII.E I NUMBER OF HOURS ONCOLOGISTS/OFFICE PERSONNEL DEVOTE TO REIMBURSEMENT PROBLEMS li\ preliminaryanalysisof responsesto the readershipsurveyon reim-_ bursement, which appeared in the Spring issue, shows that inadequate reim- bursementfrom …
The Surgeon and ACCC PRESIDENT'S CORNER THE SURGEON AND ACCC Oneof the traditional roles of the Associationof Communi ty Cancer Centers is to improve the care o f cancer patients through the effective organization of can cer diagnos tic and treatme nt resources . This effort is in concert with the Ameri can College o f Surgeo ns ' (ACoS) Commission on Cancer 's pro- motionandapproval …
Variations in Cancer DRG Profit and Loss by Hospital Size and Region of the Nation VARIATIONS IN CANCER DRG PROFIT AND LOSS BY HOSPITAL SIZE AND REGION OF THE NATION Lee E. Mortenson, MS, MPA John L. Young, Jr., DrPH Michael S. Ney, MPA REGIONAL PROFITILOSS DIFFERENCES EXHIBIT 1 Regional Definiti ons Scuthwesr (SW ) Zip codes 7 and 8 From Arkansas and Louisiana to Arizona …