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Systemic Immune Parameters after Prior Radiation Therapy in Patients Receiving Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Vatsala Mundra, Yuqiu Ynag, Mitchell S. von Itzstein, Farjana Fattah, Amrit Gonuganta, Raquibul Hannan, Laurentiu Pop, Yuanyuan Zhang, Yiqing Wang, Thomas Sheffield, Yang Xie, Jonathon Dowell, Jade Homsi, Sawsan Rashdan, Jason Park, Quan-Zhen Li, Edward Wakeland, David Gerber …
TxSCO Sept. 23, 2023 Federal & State Policy Updates Federal Updates Medicare PFS Reimbursement Cuts EOM Underway Medicaid Enrollment Shifts Stark Law & In-Office Dispensing: Mail-Order Prescriptions No Surprises Act Prescription Drug Pricing: “Government Negotiation” Underway Key Federal Policy Issues 3 PFS Proposed Rule 2024: More …
Optimal Timing Between Total Neoadjuvant Therapy and Surgery for Patients with Rectal Adenocarcinoma Megan Mai, MPH1; Jodi Goldman1, Duke Appiah, PhD, MPH2; Zheng Shi, MD, PhD3 1School of Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas 2Department of Public Health, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas 3Department of Internal Medicine, Texas …
Exploring Minimally Invasive Interventional Strategies in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients: A Comparative Study ADVISOR Dr. Michael Kueht, MD 09/23/2023 The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX PRIMARY AUTHOR Anuttham Kandhadai, BS Research Background & MotivationI Including transarterial (chemo)embolization (TAE), surgical resection (SR), radiofrequency …
Navigating Workforce Challenges in Healthcare Moderator: Ray Page, DO, PhD, FACOI, FASCO; The Centers for Blood and Cancer Disorders Colleen Gallagher, PhD, MS, LSW, FACHE, HECC; UT MD Anderson Cancer Center Fay J. Hlubocky, PhD, MA, CCTP, FASC, FASCO; University of Chicago Medicine Todd Pickard, MMSc, PA-C, DFAAPA, FASCO; UT MD Anderson Cancer Center Team-based Staffing …
Texas Oncology Precision Medicine Program 9/20/20232 Summary of TxO PM Program P a ti e n t C a re R e s e a rc h , C li n . T ri a ls E d u c a ti o n • Scalable • Equitable • Easy to Use • Consider the Patient’s Journey – Expand treatment options – Enroll more patients in clinical trials – Selecting treatment …
PRECISION MEDICINE in COMMUNITY ONCOLOGY: A BLUEPRINT Chris Prakash, MD Director Quality Services Lori Brisbin VP Precision Medicine TEXAS ONCOLOGY CASE • 60-year-old male with a 3 cm left hilar mass and multiple liver lesions. c/o abd pain, abnormal LFTs. FNA of liver- adenocarcinoma. PET scan–no other disease. Patient presents to you. • Do you initiate therapy …
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has recently proposed reimbursement for Principal Illness Navigation services under Medicare to help patients navigate treatment for serious illnesses such as cancer.
2009 Cancer Care Trends in Community Cancer Centers To identify and compare trends in conditions and organizational performance in the oncology marketplace, the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) initiated an annual survey of its membership in July 2008. The survey provides ACCC with information to assist members in evaluating their organizations’ performance. The survey will …
Year three of the Association of Community Cancer Centers' member survey provides insight into how cancer programs are working to control costs, implement new standards, launch new organizational strategies, and better serve patients. Christian Downs, JD, MHA Executive Director, ACCC Cancer Care Trends in Community Cancer Centers – A Survey of ACCC Membership 2012 …
Most characterized their program’s financial status as good or very good for 2010, similar to Year 2. However, more than one-third (34%) of programs do not have sufficient data to track profit and loss (P&L). While many programs are actively seeking to reduce or control costs without compromising quality and services, several respondents said that their financial strategy is skewed more toward …
This publication is a benefit of membership Association of Community Cancer Centers Vol. 38 | No. 5 | 2023 Exploring community-engaged research in pancreatic cancer | 51 Developing a cancer center support group training program | 44 Trending in Cancer Care Part II | 19 ISSUES ONCOLOGY Developing a Disease-Site Specific Oncology Patient Navigation Program
Amid busy schedules and demanding deadlines, it is important for members of the multidisciplinary cancer care team to practice effective self-care.
A spotlight of Kelsey-Seybold Clinic Cancer Center in Houston, Texas.
A deep dive into 4 topics discussed during a series of interactive sessions at the ACCC 49th Annual Meeting and Cancer Center Business Summit: business and artificial intelligence technology, research and clinical trials, and precision medicine.
This cancer program adapted the University of Washington’s Collaborative Care model to embed counseling services into oncology and palliative care across six clinic locations. This model allows patients to receive counseling for depression, anxiety, or other psycho-social concerns while in active treatment and survivorship, eliminating many barriers to care.
Actionable strategies for coordinating RECIST 1.1 at a community hospital.
This publication is a benefit of membership Association of Community Cancer Centers Vol. 38 | No. 5 | 2023 Exploring community-engaged research in pancreatic cancer | 51 Developing a cancer center support group training program | 44 Trending in Cancer Care Part II | 19 ISSUES ONCOLOGY Developing a Disease-Site Specific Oncology Patient Navigation Program 1 DEPARTMENTS …
Based on the understanding that patients diagnosed with cancer need unique support and resources, this community-based cancer program implemented and grew a disease-site specific oncology patient navigation program.
tools 87 OI | Vol. 38, No 4, 2023 | including a proteasome inhibitor, an immunomodulatory agent, and an anti-CD38 monoclonal antibody. • On July 20, the FDA approved Vanflyta® (quizartinib) (Daiichi Sankyo, Inc., with standard cytarabine and anthracycline induction and cytarabine consolidation, and as mainte- nance monotherapy following consolidation …