
Each year, ACCC holds an annual election — on even-numbered years to elect new members to the Board of Trustees; on odd-numbered years to elect new members to the Nominating Committee. The 2023 election will run February 20 – March 6 for the President-Elect, Treasurer, and Nominating Committee. The Board of Trustees election will be held early 2024.

Who is Eligible to Vote?

Each Cancer Program Member has one vote in the election of the ACCC leadership. The voting member is the Delegate Representative. This person acts as your program’s liaison to ACCC. Among your Delegate Representative’s duties is to vote in ACCC’s annual election and attend ACCC’s House of Delegates Meeting.

If you are not sure who your Delegate Representative is, search for your cancer program below to find out:

Make sure that your Delegate Representative has voted; make sure your voice is heard!

All ballots are emailed at the opening of the Elections. If you are a Delegate Representative and you have not received your ballot, please contact Aisha Williams at AWilliams@accc-cancer.org.

Board of Trustees

Nominations for the Board of Trustees are solicited from the membership by issuing a Call for Nominations and placing notices in official ACCC communications. Nominees are reviewed by ACCC’s Nominating Committee and candidates selected to be placed on the ballot.

Board Member Duties

Board of Trustee member duties include reviewing the ACCC budget at the fall conference; approving all ACCC participation in jointly sponsored meetings and symposia; reviewing all projects and grants submitted in the name of the Association; reviewing the annual audit and engaging an auditor annually; approving new membership applications; and approving formation of Chapter Members.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee consists of five (5) members. Candidates are nominated by the Board of Trustees to be placed on the ballot..

Nominating Committee Duties

The Nominating Committee duties include soliciting the membership for nominees; reviewing their qualifications and selecting the nominees to be placed on the ballot on even-numbered years. The committee prepares the ballot for all elected offices of the Association and, whenever possible, selects at least two nominees for each open Board of Trustee position.

Following the selection process, ballots are sent to all eligible Delegate Representatives for voting. The election results are then presented at the Annual Meeting during the House of Delegates. All terms of office begin at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting at which the Trustee is elected.

During odd-numbered years, the committee appoints five (5) members to the Board.

To be elected to the ACCC Board of Trustees or Nominating Committee, individuals must be formally affiliated with a Cancer Program Member or a Chapter Member. In addition, all Board and Nominating Committee members must adhere to the principles detailed in ACCC’s Standards of Conduct and the Antitrust Policy and Guide.

Elections Calendar

The following dates relate to the annual elections process, on or about:

November 22 Call for Nominations for Board members issued
December 20 Call for Nominations closes
December/January Candidates/Appointees are reviewed by the Nominating Committee
Mid-January Ballots prepared
Early February Elections open (only Delegate Representatives can vote)
Early March Elections close


Nominations for the 2023 elections were opened in late November 2022, for open seats on the Nominating Committee as well as consideration for Board Appointment. For more information, please email AWilliams@accc-cancer.org.