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Making the Case for New Staff

ACCC worked with subject matter experts to develop a series of seven discipline-specific business briefs to justify hiring the staff necessary to provide comprehensive cancer care services. These business case briefs aim to show how critical these care team members are to improving the quality of care, enhancing the patient experience, supporting their colleagues, and reducing costs.


Making the Business Case for Hiring an Oncology Social Worker

Oncology Social Worker Business Case Study Interventions by oncology social workers increase patient satisfaction and quality of life, reduce patient and family distress, improve efficiencies, and lessen the burden on physicians and healthcare teams by allowing them to do what they do best—administering innovative medical treatment to more patients.

Making the Business Case for Hiring an Oncology Pharmacist

Oncology Pharmacist Business Case Study Oncology pharmacists play an integral role in today’s complex, dynamic cancer care delivery environment. As health practitioners, their valuable training and skills include the operational, clinical, and financial aspects of cancer care.

Making the Business Case for Hiring a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

UFO-2019-RDN-Tool-260x344 Registered dietitian nutritionists with experience in oncology nutrition, medical nutrition therapy, and symptom management can help patients maximize their nutrition, maintain functional status, and protect their quality of life.

Making the Business Case for Hiring a Board-Certified Genetic Counselor

UFO-2019-CGC-Tool-260x344 Genetic counseling is a critical service along the entire cancer care continuum, from prevention to screening to treatment and into survivorship. Adding a genetic counselor to your team can help ensure that patients have access to appropriate genetic testing and follow-up care.

Making the Business Case for Hiring a Financial Navigator

UFO-2019-FAN-Navigator-Tool-260x344 Financial navigators employ a proactive approach with patients and families by sharing out-of-pocket costs, screening for financial stressors and barriers, and identifying resources to help reduce patient financial toxicity.

Making the Business Case for Implementing Prehabilitation Services

UFO-2019-Prehab-Services-Tool-260x344 A multimodal prospective surveillance and prehabilitation program is an effective and fiscally responsible way to prepare patients for the physiologic and psychosocial impacts of treatment. This type of program leverages the frequently untapped knowledge and skill set of physical therapists and other rehab professionals.

Making the Business Case for Hiring an Oncology Psychologist

UFO-2019-Oncology-Psychologist-Tool-260x344 Psychosocial interventions by a qualified oncology psychologist can effectively prepare cancer patients for the management of emotional and social stressors. Patients who participate in interventions report having an improved quality of life, as well as lower levels of depression and anxiety.
