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News & Media

The Association of Cancer Care Centers (ACCC) welcomes media interest in the Association and its activities.

ACCC serves as the leading advocacy and education organization for the multidisciplinary cancer care team. More than 23,000 cancer care professionals from over 2,000 hospitals and practices nationwide are affiliated with ACCC. It is estimated that 65 percent of the nation's cancer patients are treated by a member of ACCC. Providing a national forum for addressing issues that affect community cancer programs, ACCC is recognized as the premier provider of resources for the entire oncology care team.

News Releases

Learn about ACCC's latest initiatives.

Oncology News

Read up-to-date oncology and healthcare-related headlines.

Advertising Opportunities

Take advantage of ACCC's unique position in the oncology field.

The Association encourages media participation at its annual national meetings, its regional reimbursement meetings, and its national oncology conferences. ACCC provides complimentary registration to professional journalists representing accredited media organizations for the express purpose of gathering news and information to produce editorial coverage of the meeting.

ACCC offers the following resources to accredited members of the media:

  • Complimentary meeting registration
  • One-on-one interview opportunities.

Press Activities

To facilitate coverage of news generated from its Annual Meeting and its National Oncology Conference, ACCC has established the following policies governing news media activities. These policies are strictly enforced. Journalists employed by accredited news organizations attending the meeting for the purpose of editorial coverage will be granted media credentials. Journalists are required to submit appropriate media credentials as part of their registration application, including a letter of assignment from the media organization being represented. (Business cards or membership cards from news media, communications or writers' organizations are not sufficient to establish eligibility.)

Companies or organizations producing publications, videos, and/or other products intended for marketing, advertising, medical coding instruction, financial analysis, or public relations purposes may not register as media. Financial analysts, public relations personnel, oncology consultants, and/or individuals from communications, print, and online promotion services may not register as media.

  • Interview Opportunities/Facilities
    ACCC can facilitate one-on-one interviews with ACCC leadership and presenters. Please contact Lori Gardner, Senior Director, Membership and Public Relations, at 301.984.9496 or
  • Photography, Video, and Audio Recording
    Videotaping and photography on the premises are permitted only when accompanied by an ACCC representative. Videotaping, photography, and/or audio recording of sessions are not permitted.

The Association offers commentary and perspective on a variety of cancer topics and issues, including the following oncology-related areas listed below:

  • Chemotherapy Delivery
  • Financial Toxicity
  • Healthcare Reform
  • Immunotherapy Delivery
  • Medicare
  • New Technologies
  • Trends in Cancer Care
  • Off-label Drug Indication Issues
  • Oncology Pharmacy
  • Partnerships, Joint Ventures
  • Patient Education
  • Prevention & Screening
  • Reimbursement Issues
  • Strategic Planning
  • Supportive Care

All media inquiries can be directed to:
Tricia O’Mahen Dickey
Associate Director, Marketing