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Cancer Program Membership

Become an ACCC Cancer Program Member

Working together, we can move the needle on quality, equitable cancer care.

The members of your cancer care team consist of physicians, administrators, nurses, business leaders, pharmacists, registrars, social workers, financial advocates, supportive care providers, executives, researchers, and more. Although they may perform different roles, they share a common goal: to provide exceptional care.

Cancer care is a team effort. Together, we are stronger.

The Association of Cancer Care Centers (ACCC) represents cancer care professionals from every discipline in oncology—working in every care delivery setting. From private practices to hospital-based cancer programs, large healthcare systems, and major academic centers, ACCC addresses the most critical issues in quality cancer care delivery.

Cancer Program Membership


ACCC has served as the leader for the ‘nuts and bolts’ of building and improving our programs. Their educational information is expansive and practical and is an important resource as we tackle issues like the pandemic, evolutions in practice, or practice-based issues like reimbursement. ACCC has done a great job staying a few years ahead of most practices and tackling the issues we see daily.

Douglas Flora, MD, LSSBB, Executive Medical Director, Oncology, St. Elizabeth’s Cancer Center (Cancer Program Member since 1979)


As an ACCC Cancer Program Member, EVERY member of your team will receive practical, problem-solving resources and professional development opportunities to elevate care delivery, coordination, and the patient experience across your organization:

  • ACCC's award-winning journal, Oncology Issues, delivers practical solutions and strategies to help your cancer program achieve programmatic and financial success.
  • How-to’s covering precision medicine, immunotherapy, molecular testing, specialty pharmacy, oral oncolytics, and more.
  • Opportunities to participate in onsite or virtual personalized quality improvement workshops and learning labs designed specifically for your multidisciplinary team.
  • Access to the breaking public policy and advocacy issues affecting oncology teams and their patients through legislative updates and participation in Capitol Hill Day.
  • ACCCeXchange—a dynamic, members-only online community that is widely used for networking and sharing real-time feedback and solutions to questions and concerns.
  • Complimentary Oncology Reimbursement Meetings address the complexities of business and operations, programmatic tools, and coding and billing.
  • Complimentary registration for Delegate Representatives to ACCC's Annual Meeting & Cancer Center Business Summit (Spring) and National Oncology Conference (Fall) and generous discounts for the rest of the team.
  • The opportunity to submit your cancer program or practice for an ACCC Innovator Award or nominate yourself or a colleague for an ACCC Annual Award.
  • Volunteer, join an Advisory Committee, and qualify for an ACCC leadership position

ACCC is a community of cancer centers representing members nationwide from all care delivery settings. Become part of our community by joining today as a Cancer Program Member.

Already a Member?

If you are already a member and you have received an invoice to renew your membership, go to and log in. Once you are logged in, click on “Company Orders”, then click on the open invoice and proceed to pay by credit card. If you would prefer to pay by check, please use the following address:

Association of Cancer Care Centers
1801 Research Blvd.
Suite 400
Rockville, MD 20850

Contact Us

If you have questions about your membership, please email Nicole Banks, Director, Membership, 732.710.1568.