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Immuno-Oncology: Moving Forward Together

By Lee S. Schwartzberg, MD, FACP, <em>Chair, ICLIO Advisory Committee</em>

January 10, 2017

As the momentum surrounding immuno-oncology continues to build, the Institute for Clinical Immuno-Oncology (ICLIO) is meeting the need for practical, real-world resources and education for all members of the multidisciplinary cancer care team.  Find out how in this just-released ICLIO white paper, which illuminates current progress with these exciting therapies, real-world challenges, and emerging concerns around continued access as immunotherapy moves into the community setting.

You’ll want to read Immuno-Oncology: There’s More to Discover for:

  • A concise recap of 2016 immunotherapy clinical highlights
  • An update on ICLIO education, resources, and what to expect in 2017
  • A snapshot of policy issues and pressing concerns impacting the future of immuno-oncology in practice.

In this rapidly changing landscape, I encourage all you to partner with the ICLIO. Whatever your role in caring for patients with cancer, the latest ICLIO white paper will provide insight and perspective on the evolving field of immuno-oncology.  Through ICLIO, let’s continue to move forward together on the exciting immuno-oncology journey.

Explore the hub of immuno-oncology information and resources available for the entire multidisciplinary cancer care team at accc-iclio.org and follow ICLIO for updates. ICLIO is an institute of the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC).


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