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Combatting the Great Resignation: Strategies for Healthcare Organizations

May 19, 2022
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The “Great Resignation” refers to the unprecedented number of people across the globe who have quit their job in the past year. A recent global talent trends report noted that the top priority for 63 percent of job seekers globally was work-life-balance. Work-life-balance in this instance refers to workers’ wellness and schedule flexibility. Also, the Pew Research Center released a report that noted, in addition to work-life-balance, workers are concerned about compensation, workplace culture, and advancement opportunities.

The healthcare workforce was not immune to this recent shift in employment patterns. In fact, as of January 2022, 31 percent of hospitals report a critical staffing shortage. The outlook for the remainder of 2022 does not look to improve. The American Nurses Association estimates 500,000 nurses will leave the workforce in 2022. With applicant pools dwindling, nursing turnover rates increasing, and an aging population that will continue to grow, it’s imperative that healthcare organizations develop flexible, re-invented employment models.

ACCC recently partnered with Hallmark Health Care Solutions to host a live broadcast—Navigating the Great Resignation: Rebuilding the Healthcare Labor Force and the Challenges Ahead—that is now available on demand. Expert panelists discussed barriers and effective practices to ensure the recruitment and retainment of a quality workforce.

Strategies to build sustainable employment models include:

  • Spend time reviewing external threats to staffing goals. This refers to assessing the specific workforce pool in your geographic area. A thorough review will include information on how, where, and when the workforce is needed. This analysis will help you define new and better strategies to yield expected results.

  • Leverage technology to connect with your applicant market. Technology streamlines healthcare recruiting and hiring and helps to improve the experience for recruiters and potential candidates. Organizations should acquire the right tools to recruit and retain workers.

  • Improve quality of care through organizational culture. Culture comes from leadership, that is, what is expected and valued from an organizational perspective. Recruitment activities should include time for the selection, development, and training of your workforce.

  • Keep quality patient care at the center of any employment model. When developing an employment model for your organization, ensure quality patient care will be the ultimate result.

  • Research and test alternative employment models. Alternative employment models, such as the Gig-employment model, should be examined before solely relying on contract labor. Costs associated with contract labor are not a sustainable long-term solution.

The COVID-19 pandemic is often blamed for the changing priorities of the workforce. When, in fact, priorities likely would have shifted regardless. The pandemic simply sped that change up. Workers are no longer interested in the tenets of the traditional employment model, so it’s important that healthcare organizations pivot to meet the needs of workers through alternative employment models.

You can learn more about workforce planning strategies by watching the on-demand recording. This resource was made possible through the ACCC Alternative Payment Model Coalition that is supported by Merck & Co, Inc. and Takeda Oncology. 

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