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Sustainable Cancer Care Delivery

Insights from the ACCC Institute for the Future of Oncology

The June 27, 2019, ACCC Institute for the Future of Oncology convened more than 30 thought leaders to share insights on how best to communicate the value of comprehensive cancer care to both internal stakeholders, such as hospital CEOs, to support growth of and/or investment in the cancer service line, and external stakeholders—public and private payers—to help make the case for adequate reimbursement. The day-long forum discussion focused on 2019-2020 ACCC President Ali McBride's presidential theme: Collaborate. Educate. Compensate: A Prescription for Sustainable Cancer Care Delivery.

At the conclusion of the one-day meeting, Institute attendees conducted a feasibility and impact voting exercise to identify next steps and goals, which included:

  • Tools/resources that demonstrate revenue and/or cost-savings of comprehensive cancer care services
  • Tools/resources that would help demonstrate ROI about comprehensive cancer care services
  • Tools/resources that show how comprehensive cancer care services improve patient care and the patient experience
  • Tools/resources that link outcomes (problems) with data-based solutions.

Business Cases

To meet these needs ACCC worked with a small team of Institute attendees to develop a series of five discipline-specific business briefs to justify hiring staff.


The Business Case for Hiring a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist


The Business Case for Hiring a Certified Genetic Counselor


The Business Case for Hiring a Financial Navigator


The Business Case for Hiring a Prehabilitation Specialist


The Business Case for Hiring an Oncology Psychologist