

In This Section

Graphical Recording

Participants in the Integration of Pathology in Oncology Care Leadership Summit, held on July 31, 2018, in Washington, D.C., will find the graphical recordings of the day's discussion below. As the summit facilitator noted, these may serve as an aide-mémoire for the topics under consideration.


Meeting Agenda

Welcome & Opening Roundtable

Welcome and Opening Roundtable

Cancer Biomarker Testing and Molecular Pathology

Cancer Biomarker Testing and Molecular Pathology

Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Discussions & Decisions

Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Discussions & Decisions

Policy & Reimbursement

Policy and Reimbursement

Action Planning

Action Planning

Our Partners

Association for Molecular Pathology Logo American Society for Clinical Pathology Logo NGSC Logo

Our Supporters

Abbvie Logo Amgen Logo BMS-330x80 Lilly-136x80 Pfizer-145x60