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[Abstract e18599] Assessing Feasibility and Utility of an Implicit Bias Training Program for Addressing Disparities in Cancer Clinical Trial Participation

May 26, 2022


Nadine J. Barrett, PhD, MA, MS; Leigh Boehmer, PharmD; Janelle Schrag, MPH; Al Benson, MD; Sybil Green, JD, RPh, MHA; Leila Hamroun, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP; Alexandra Howson, PhD, CHCP; Khalid Matin, MD; Randall Oyer, MD; Lori Pierce, MD; Sanford Jeames, DHA; Karen Winkfield, MD, PhD; Eddy Yang, MD, PhD; Victoria Zwicker, MPH; Suanna Bruinooge, MPH; Patricia Hurley, MSc; Jen Hanley Williams, MA; Carmen Guerra, MD, MSCE

Background & Methods

Low participation of Black, Hispanic, Latinx and other underrepresented racial/ethnic groups in clinical research remains a problem across the U.S. Recent studies have highlighted that stereotypes, assumptions, and bias play a role in lack of diversity in cancer trial participation. To help address this, the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) and American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) piloted an implicit bias training program for oncology clinical research teams.

Adapted from the Duke University Just Ask™ program, the pilot program is comprised of eLearning modules which can be completed in about 60 minutes. Features include education on diversity, equity, and bias in clinical trial participation, case vignettes, and strategies to mitigate disparities.

A call was issued to members of both organizations. After completing the training, all individual participants were asked to complete a retrospective pre/post survey to assess change in knowledge and attitude. Focus groups explored participants’ experience with the training. Another survey was administered 6 weeks later to assess sustainability of changes.


Pilot findings support the feasibility and utility of the training, which can help cancer programs to address disparities in clinical research. Next steps include modifying the course based on participant feedback, disseminating the training and supplementary resources, and exploring options for assessing the impact on upstream outcomes such as diversity in trial participation.

The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s)/faculty member(s) and do not reflect the official policy or position of their employer(s) or the Association of Cancer Care Centers.