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LIVE from NOC: Building Sustainable Coalitions in Your Community—[MINI PODCAST]

October 14, 2022

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Live from the ACCC 39th National Oncology Conference, Lailea Noel, PhD, MSW, joins the CANCER BUZZ podcast to discuss the topic of her workshop: building sustainable coalitions to support the cancer care community. During our conversation, Dr. Noel breaks down how to build trust and earn the respect of under-represented patient populations in the community, including Black, Latinx, Asian, and other people of color, LGBTQ+ community members, older Americans, and those who live in rural areas.

Lailea Noel, PhD, MSW
Assistant Professor of Oncology & Health Social Work
ACCC 2022-2023 Board Member
Steve Hicks School of Social Work
The University of Texas Dell Medical School
LIVESTRONG Cancer Institutes
Austin, TX

"Before engaging with the community...we need to look inward and do some internal work. And then we also need to look outward and see how we are partnering with communities in a way that is respectful and encouraging their power and their empowerment at the table." – Lailea Noel, PhD, MSW



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