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The Florez Lab: Increasing Retention and Improving Productivity of Under-Represented in Medicine Trainees — [MINI PODCAST] EP 142

February 15, 2024
Find the CANCER BUZZ podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts!

Founded in 2019, this inclusive lab is comprised of 42 members ranging from undergraduates to faculty from 12 different countries, most of whom self-identify as women and/or individuals who are under-represented in medicine. This virtual lab meets monthly to discuss projects, grants, and future collaborations. Joint research efforts focus on professional development of the health care workforce; cancer health disparities; diversity equity, and inclusion in medical education; and social justice in medicine, with a focus on cancer clinical outcomes and survivorship experiences of underserved populations. From 2020 to 2023, the Florez Lab secured nearly 1.5 million in combined research funding to support the development of translational research to mitigate and provide resources to address disparities in oncology and medical education. In this podcast, Narjust Florez, MD, teases her session at the ACCC 50th Annual Meeting & Cancer Center Business Summit and why it’s important to attend this session in person. 



Narjust Florez, MD

Thoracic medical oncologist 

Associate Director, Cancer Care Equity Program

Assistant Professor of Medicine 

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard Medical School 

“[At AMCCBS] I provide realistic strategies and actions that anyone can take to diversify the workforce, not only in oncology, but in medicine as a whole…I focus on what I have done with very little staff that has remained in place and helped create a more inclusive and diverse workplace.”

Hear Dr. Florez speak live at the ACCC 50th Annual Meeting and Cancer Center Business Summit.


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