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Supported by an independent educational grant from Pfizer, Inc.

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Advanced NSCLC Biomarker Testing

While the evolution of targeted therapies has significantly improved outcomes and quality of life in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), it can be difficult to keep up with recent advances in this field. The Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC)—in partnership with the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP)—is committed to ensuring you have the resources, tools, and education you need to optimize the diagnosis, testing, and management of patients with advanced NSCLC, particularly those with ALK mutations.

For more information on this project, please contact the ACCC Provider Education department.


Optimizing Advanced NSCLC Biomarker Testing, Treatment, and Management Virtual Summit

This enduring material was recorded from a half-day, interactive, CME/CMLE-accredited virtual (live) summit to help members of the cancer care team enhance their coordination of patient care and gain deeper scientific knowledge, skills, and competence in biomarker testing practices, treatment selection, and management of adverse events in patients with advanced NSCLC.

Each highly interactive session is presented by an interprofessional faculty team, features rich scenarios and patient cases involving advanced NSCLC, and introduces the patient perspective to address the following topics:

  • Best practices in care coordination and communication to order appropriate, evidence-based biomarker testing for patients with advanced NSCLC
  • Tips and techniques for optimizing specimen/tissue adequacy for advanced NSCLC biomarker testing
  • Selection process for treatment options for ALK-positive advanced NSCLC patients
  • Managing adverse events associated with ALK inhibitors in first- and second-line treatment settings
  • Overcoming systems-level barriers to optimize advanced NSCLC biomarker testing practices (e.g., timing of testing/test results, insurance coverage considerations)
  • Use of multi-panel NGS pathology reports to guide treatment decision-making
  • NCCN testing guidelines related to ALK and ROS1 oncogene drivers

Receive up to 4.5 hours of CME/CMLE credit as you increase your knowledge and competence in the testing, treatment, and management of patients with advanced NSCLC.


Additional NSCLC Educational Activities

Educational activities funded by independent educational grants from Janssen Biotech, Inc., administered by Janssen Scientific Affairs, LLC, and Pfizer, Inc.



Biomarker Testing


Liquid Biopsy

Targeted Therapies

Additional NSCLC Resources from the Association of Community Cancer Centers

Additional resources from ASCP