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Member Monday: August 12, 2019

ACCC Editorial Staff

August 12, 2019
Researcher in laboratory
Every other Monday, ACCC highlights the latest news, announcements, resources, and innovations from our member cancer programs. To submit your program, visit the Member News Submission Portal and complete a brief form.

Research Excellence in Indiana

Congratulations to Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center on becoming designated a Comprehensive Cancer Center by the National Cancer Institute (NCI)! The cancer center received an "Outstanding" rating from NCI reviewers and has been awarded a five-year, $13.8 million grant to support the center's research programs and shared facilities.

Expanding Clinical Trial Access in St. Louis

In more NCI-related news, Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine was recently awarded a six-year, $7.8 million grant through NCI's National Clinical Trials Network to continue its role as a Lead Academic Participating Site. The designation recognizes the center's ability to enroll large numbers of patients and its leadership in clinical trial implementation.

Promising Research Findings at UPenn

Researchers from the Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania have discovered that a crucial signaling pathway that can tell immune systems to fight cancer can be overwritten by cancer cells. This understanding can improve both identification through biomarkers and immunotherapy implementation.

Commending Cancer Care at Holy Redeemer

The Charles A. and Betty Bott Cancer Center at Holy Redeemer Hospital and Medical Center recently received three-year accreditation from the American College of Surgeons' Commission on Cancer! The cancer center received Silver-Level Commendation for its demonstrated excellence in comprehensive, patient-centered cancer care delivery.


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