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University of Colorado Cancer Center



Nina Thomas, MD
Director, Thoracic Malignancy Pillar of Center for Lung and Breathing
University of Colorado – UCHealth, University of Colorado Cancer Center
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary Sciences & Critical Care Medicine
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Aurora, Colorado

Creating a Community-Wide Safety Net for Centralized Tracking and Management of Incidental Lung Nodule Findings

Enterprise intelligence software analyzes imaging results of all patients treated at UCHealth to identify and stratify those with high-risk findings. When a concerning abnormality is found, patients and providers are alerted to the finding, and patients are referred for additional follow-up. After this system-wide approach led to a 2,514% increase in actively managed patients, a centralized care management function was implemented to streamline processes, reducing the time-to recommend next steps from 34 to 5 days.

Supported by EON-200x80

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The Centralized Tracking and Management of Incidental Lung Nodule Findings

Thomas_Nina-100x100University of Colorado Cancer Center created a community-wide safety net for the centralized tracking and management of incidental lung nodule findings. This approach led to a 2,514% increase in their actively managed patients. To alleviate the strain of this rise on patient navigation staff, the cancer center uses enterprise intelligence software to automatically analyze imaging results of patients who received care at UCHealth and identify and stratify those with high-risk findings.
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