Panel Discussion

During the 34th ACCC National Oncology Conference, a common sub-theme emering across sessions was increasing demands for data coupled with on-going challenges in optimizing EHRs so that the collection of required data can become more streamlined. On Friday, October 20, a panel discussion focused in on real-world barriers and successes with EHRs and data collection at three cancer programs. The panel on “Strategies for Optimizing Your EHR,” facilitated by Joseph Kim, MD, MPH, MBA, was presented as part of the ACCC educational initiative, Optimizing Electronic Health Records (EHRs).

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Participants (in order of appearance) Joseph Kim, MD, MPH, MBA, panel facilitator; Linda Frisk, PharmD, Arizona Oncology Associates, PC; Rachel Lawlor, MHA, RN, OCN, Cancer Care at Mosaic Life Care; and Judy Stone, CMPE, Carl & Dorothy Bennett Cancer Center, Stamford Hospital.

Optimizing Electronic Health Records Publication


Download Optimizing Your EHR: Real-World Experiences with Electronic Health Records for insights on overcoming common challenges and barriers to use of EHRs for data analysis, care coordination, and quality reporting.
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