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Thank you to Pfizer Oncology for their collaboration and support in developing these resources. 

Older Adults With Cancer

Addressing the needs of older adults with cancer is critical for the delivery of high-quality, patient-centered care. Through the Multidisciplinary Approaches to Caring for Older Adults with Cancer project, ACCC identifies barriers and best practices for serving this growing patient population in order to help support the multidisciplinary team in understanding and proactively preparing for the impact of our graying nation on cancer prevalence and co-morbidity burden.

First, take our Geriatric Oncology Gap Assessment to assess your program's current efforts. Next, download the Practical Application of Geriatric Assessment: A How-to Guide to discover practical solutions to geriatric screening and assessment without investing significant resources. For additional tools to support your improvement plans, visit our Online Resource Library.

For more information on this project, please contact the ACCC Provider Education department.




Multidisciplinary Approaches to Caring for Older Adults with Cancer

This publication offers a convenient summary of challenges, successes, and effective practices to ensure quality care is implemented in a thoughtful, proactive, cost-effective way.

  • Current Recommendations for Conducting Comprehensive Geriatrics Assessments (CGAs)
  • The Difference Geriatric Assessments Can Make: Patient Examples
  • Sample Goals for Working with Your Older Adult Patients

Plus, read how three cancer programs have illustrated diverse approaches for improving care for older adults with cancer.

Practical Applications of Geriatric Assessment

Practical Application of Geriatric Assessment: A How-To Guide for the Multidisciplinary Team

Offers practical solutions to implementing a comprehensive approach to geriatric screening and assessment without having to invest significant resources. The key to successful implementation of geriatric assessments is to start with something simple and feasible, then expand from there.



Growing Need Demands New Approaches to Caring for Older Adults with Cancer

As the need to bring multidisciplinary approaches to cancer care for older Americans becomes increasingly evident, ACCC is providing resources to identify barriers, share information and validated tools for screening and assessing older adults, and provide models that illustrate effective approaches in addressing the needs of this growing patient population. This Oncology Issues article summarizes ACCC’s landscape analysis of the state of cancer care for older adults, including a survey of the membership.
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