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Developing a Rural Colorectal Screening Program Developing a Rural Colorectal Screening Program by James N. Frame, M.D., F.A.C.P., Carrol Klinker, R.N., Gladys Kuhn, R.N., Todd A. Witsberger, M.D., Joe J. White, M.D., and Shelley Johns, Psy.D. bout 135,400 new cases of colorectal can- cer (eRC) are expected in the United States this year, and 56,700 people will die from the disease. …
Oral Agents and the Men in Black The A..oclatlon of Community Cancer Center . FACT Mor e rhan flSO medi cal centers, hl>~piul~. cancer d iniu. .and pr.aeti.:ts .across the U.S. .lIre ACCC members. This i\WI,lP nnls -40 percenl of all ne,. ' cancer p.atienu seen in the U.s. t.ach vear. ACCC mtml>t'n .al~, indl,ld~ more J~ individ members and IS lUtt (lncult')":}, "'1Ciet}' …
Choosing the Right EMR System Re-tooling YOUR PRACTICE Choosing the Right EMR System by Laurence J. Heifetz, M.D. hysicians are beginning to accept that electronic medical records (EMRs)-al,o known as clinical patient records (Cl'Rs) or electronic charting tools (ECTs)-are an integral part of their oncology practice. Recently, my practice-Tower Hematology Oncology in Los Angeles, …
The Health Care Financing Administration and Medicare Policies The Health Care Financing Administration and Medicare Policies by John Whyte. M.D.. M.P.H. hysicians as well as patienu are very interested in Medicare's drug policies, especial- ly as they relate to cancer drugs. Medicare will pay for drugs under certain circum- stances. Although mere is presently no prescription drug …
St. Luke's Cancer Center in Bethlehem St. Luke's Cancer Center in Bethlehem Comprehensive Care In a Community Hospital S t . Luke's Cancer Centerin Bethlehem, Pa.,hascombineda progressivemelanoma treatmentprogram, state-of-the-art radiation oncology equipment, and a wide range of cancerrehabilitation services to provide comprehensive cancer care in a community hospital setting. The Cancer …
American College of Radiology American College of Radiology by Harvey L. Neiman, M.D. WHO WE ARE The American College of Radiology(ACR)• .1 major national medical associ ation with more rhan 32.000 rncm- bcrs. is dc-dicatcd to improving patient care. T he membership includ es diagnostic radiolog ists, radiation oncolog ists. and med - ical ph ysicists. AC R's mission is to adva nce the …
North Star Lodge Cancer Center ACCC MEMBER PROFILE:, ., .":~ North Star Lodge Cancer Center Cutting-Edge Radiation Therapy•••and More W hen Yakima ValleyMemorial Hospitalin Yakima, Wash.,opened its compre-hensive outpatient cancer treatment center in spring 2000, it named the center North Star Lodge, a guiding light for patients and their families. For 32 years, Memorial Hospital …
Nursing Shortage Draws “Hill” Attention , ' , ' , CAPITOL,COMMENTS ' , ' , . Nursing Shortage Draws "Hill" Attention by Christian G. Downs The ability to attract andretain qualified oncologynurses is extremely diffi-cult. In fact, many healthcare analysts view the com- ing nursing shortage as a potential- ly devastating health care crisis. The provider community has voiced its concerns …
June Features Regional Oncology Reimbursement Symposia ACCC ACTION other ACCC Issues and Projects JUNE FEATURES REGIONAL ONCOLOGY REIMBURSEMENT SYMPOSIA The VirginiaAssociationof Hematologists/Oncologists and ACCC cohosted "Defending Quality Oncology," a reimburse- ment symposium that drew nearly 80 attendees to Reston, Va., onJUDe 6. Oncologists, oncology nurses, cancerprogram …
Advance… or Retreat! The Assocl.tlon of Community Cancer Center. FACT Mllre rhan 650 medica l cen ters, hll~piuls. CAncer clin ics. And practices .lcrun the U.S. ArC ACCC members. This ~ruup trc.lU "0 percent of All new cancer p.lticnls seen in the U.S. toleh yur. ACC C members .lIMI include mo re than ,WO individual members And 18 sUle oncology soci(1)' cheprers . Advance••• or …
Unbundling and Oncology Services under Medicare Unbundling and Oncology Services under Medicare by Roberta L. Buell, M.B.A, Q; What isunbundling? A: Unbundling is the process of billing components of a procedure or service as separate services when they are, in fact, one service. The most common example is billing a hysterectomy, salpingectomy, and oophorectomy separately- although there …
How to Re-engineer Your Oncology Practice Re-tooling YOUR PRACTICE How to Re-engineer Your Oncology Practice by Craig Kishaba, M.B.A. ncologists in private practice and office man- agers are faced with four major challenges as they work to make all aspects of daily operation as efficient and cost effective as possible: • improving patient access • assuring effective and appropri- …
Rising Health Care Prices , CAPITOL COMMENTS , Rising Health Care Prices by Christian G. Downs , As a new year begins, weshould take a moment toreflect on recent trendsin the costs of health ser-vices. Since the past is prologue, these trends may indicate what the future holds. The quarterly Health Care Indicators (HeI), published by the National Health Statistics Group, is the …
Playing Hardball with the Insurers Playing Hardball with the Insurers by James B. Albertson III , J.D., C.P.A., F.H.F.M.A. Physicians deal ing with parti cu - Iarly stubborn. brown bag -pro- moting insurance agen cies should co nsider request ing higher reim- bursement rates for the 96400 adm inistration codes. HCFA has long been awa re that chemo thera- py administration is u …
AWP, APC, Oral Drugs Plus Much More Discussed Highlights of ACCC's 18th National Oncology Economics Conference AWP, APe, Oral Drugs Plus Much More Discussed 18th National Oncology Economics Conference held Oct. 3-6,2001, in Seattle, Wash., drew more than 300 attendees who were advised that before Congress recesses at the end of October major legislative changes are expected in Medicare …
Snow on the Beach: Forecast for 2001 The A. lM»Clat lon of Community Cancer Center . FACT More 6~0 medical ce nte rs, hll~piu l ~. cance r clini cs. and pract ices acros s the U.S. u e ACCC member s. T his gro up tr eat s 40 perccnl of .ill ncw cancer p.itienl s see n in the Ll.S. each ycu . ACCC members JIm include more than J'JO inJ is'idu.i1memhers and IHSUle on co log y society …
Council of Affiliated Regional Radiation Oncology Societies RADIATION ONCOLOGY 2001 Council of Affiliated Regional Radiation Oncology Societies by Harvey B. Wolkov, M.D., FAC.R. WHO WE ARE The Council of Affili.ateJ Regional Rad iation O ncology Societies (C ARRO S) was fou nded in 1978 to provide a mechanism for the exchange and dissemination of inforrru - lion on the clin ical practice …
Hays Cancer Center Hays Cancer center A Community Leader with Vision The H ays Mede al Ceruer(H MC) in Hays. Kans., hasprovided cancercare topatients of northwesternKansas and southwestern N ebraska for more than 50 years, The success of the Hays cancer pro· gram, which hasreceived American College of Surgeons' Commission on Cancer accreditation since 1952. can be attributed, in part, to …
American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2001 American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology by David Hussey, M.D. WHO WE ARE T he American Society for T herapeuti c Radiology and O ncology (AST RO) was fou nded in \958 to promote the practice of radia tion oncology . With a membership of 6.200. AST RO's mission is 10 advance the practice of radiat io n cncol- ogy …
Brown Bagging Chemotherapy Drugs Brown Bagging Chemotherapy Drugs A sack full of problems: Brown bagging is giving private practitioners headaches. by Astara March he practice of "brown bagging" chemotherapy drugs is a growing problem for inde- pendent oncologists in several areas of the country. The term was coined to describe what happens when 1) an insurance companr. finds an inexpensive …