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Internet Technology-Based Patient Education: The CHESS Program E-HEALTH C ARE AND O N COLO GY Internet Technology-based Patient Education: The CHESS Program by James A. Stewart, M.D., Robert P. Hawkins, Ph.D., and David H. Gustafson, Ph.D. ancer manage- ment is complex, costly, technolo- gy dependent, and long-term, extending from prevention [Q end-of-life care. I Since patient-specific …
Access to Quality Cancer Care • • Access to Quality Cancer Care The year 2001 brings a new Congress ( IOlth), anew Administration, and new o ppo rtunit ies tocontinue with our basic agenda of ensuringaccess to qual ity cancer care.The l 06th Congress saw the Clinton Admi nistration attempt to change the Med icare reim- bursem ent formula for cancer chemotherapy dru gs. Thanks to a huge …
Billing for Length of Time of Physician Services under Medicare Billing for Length of Time of Physician Services under Medicare by Mary Lou Bowers, M.B.A., L.C.S.W. Q:Whenis it important for physicians to be alertto the length of time that they spendproviding service to their patients? ,+ There are four scenarios in which length of time of physician services is important: • When counseling …
We Must Work Together… Now More than Ever f . •• We Must Work Together••• Now More than Ever O n the evening of Sept. 10, I spent abouttwo hours on the telephone with LeeMortenson, ACee's executive director,discussing the many issues and develop-ments surrounding chemotherapy reim- bursement in the hospital outpatient department and the physician office. Lee and the ACee staff have …
Evaluating Medical Technology and Medicare's Coverage Process Evaluating Medical Technology and Medicare's Coverage Process by Steven H. Sheingold, Ph.D., and Sean Tunis, M.D. A vances in medicaltechnology will becritical to how well thisnation achievesits keyealth policy objectives of expanding access, improving quality, and maintaining an afford- able health care system. Advances in medical …
The Critical Need to Review Hospital Chargemasters The Critical Need to Review Hospital Chargemasters by John W. Sigmon, M.P.H., F.A.C.H.E. (/: What isa chargemaster and why isit so important? A: The hospital's chargemaster is a critical revenue-generating docu- ment. The chargemaster is linked to the cost reponing and cost accounting structures. The charge- master plays a key role in …
Inspiring Donations of $1 Million 95 percent of an organization's rev- enue comes from 5 percent of the gifts. Businesses focus their efforts on areas of greatest return, and so should development officers. At Moffitt, about 15 percent of our gifts come from corporations and through corporate foundations, corporate matching gift programs, and key corporate individuals who may sit on other …
New Medicare Rules for Clinical Trials New Medicare Rules for Clinical Trials by Roberta L. Buell, M.B.A, Wal ~t.!!r data requirements(and are not used in clinical management of the patient)and itemsand services used to determinetrial eligibility. Services that arecoveredinclude those that are medically necessary for conventional care(such as visits with the physician) as well as …
HIPAA Transaction and Security Standards: How Community Cancer Centers and Oncology Practices Should HIPAA Transaction and Security Standards: How Community Cancer Centers and Oncology Practices Should Prepare to Comply by Andrea M. Kahn-Kathmann, J.D., and Celia M. Santander, J.D. "Conflicts will no doubt continue between the wish to keep personal health information private and the need …
Society of Nuclear Medicine zeor Society of Nuclear Medicineby Louis N. Morgan, Ph.D., C.N.M.T., F.S.N.M.T.S., FAC.H.E.,Kenneth McKusick, M.D., F.A.C.R., F.A.C.N.P., and Richard Wahl, M.D., F.A.C.N.P. WHO WE ARE The Society of Nuclear Medicine (SN1\t) is an interna- tional scient ific and profession - al or ganizat ion founded in 1954 to promote th e science. techno logy. and practical …
ACCC Hosts Second Annual Radiation Oncology Leadership Institute " ACCC ACTION' , " ACCC Hosts Second Annual Radiation Oncology Leadership Institute The SecondAnnualRadiation OncologyLeadership Institute(ROLl), hosted by ACCCon JUDe 7-8, 2001, in Herndon, Va., drew nearly 50 attendees. Participants represented leadersfrom national radiation oncology organizations, leadership from oncology …
Choosing the Right EMR System Re-tooling YOUR PRACTICE Choosing the Right EMR System by Laurence J. Heifetz, M.D. hysicians are beginning to accept that electronic medical records (EMRs)-al,o known as clinical patient records (Cl'Rs) or electronic charting tools (ECTs)-are an integral part of their oncology practice. Recently, my practice-Tower Hematology Oncology in Los Angeles, …
Here We Go Again…More Threats to Adequate Reimbursement Here We Go Again..•More Threats to Adequate Reimbursement By now many of you are probably tired ofhearing that reimbursement for chemothera-py is under attack. Well, whether you pro-vide chemotherapy in a physician's office ora hospital outpatient department, here we go again. Congress and the General Accounting Office (GAO) are once …
Medicare Outpatient Billing for “Pass-Through” Items Medicare Outpatient Billing for "Pass-Through" Items by Teri U. GUidi, M.B.A., F.A.A.M.A. Q: UnderMedicare's hospital out- patientprospective payment system (HOPPS), what changes arebeing made to "pass-through" items? A: On March 22, 2001, the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) issued Program Memoran- dum Transmittal …
The Prescription Drug Benefit and Cancer Patients The Prescription Drug Benefit and Cancer Patients by Christian G. Downs Over the next fewmonths, one of thehottest debates inWashington, D.C.,willinvolve a prescrip- tion drug benefit for Medicare patients. Cancer patients and providers should pay special atten- tion to this issue because of its impact on access to treatment. From an …
10 Steps to Better Billing under APCs 10 Steps to Better Billing under APCs by Mary Lou Bowers, M.B.A. , L.C.S.W., Sonya Wade, and Carolyn Travers-Currie Mary Lou Bowers, M.B,A., LC.s.w:, isdirector ofpr4eticeand disease managemem with ELM Services, Inc" in Rockville, MtL Sonya Wadeand Carolyn Travers-Currie are asSOcUtU S at ELM Seroices.Lnc. ( you've been wo rking with ambulatory paym …
Highlights of ACCC's 27th Annual National Meeting Highlights of ACCC's 27th Annual National Meeting by Marion Dinitz and Astara March lose to 500 can- cer care profes- sionals gathered in Washington, D.C., for ACCC's27th Annual National Meeting March 28-31,2001. Entitled "Surviving the Changing Economics of Cancer Care," the meeting provided atten- dees with timely information to help …
Does Everyone Need a Colonoscopy? a Surgeon's View Does Everyone Need a Colonoscopy? A Surgeon's View by Randy Crim, M.D., and Jeff Hurley, M.D. Ithough colon cancer is a dead- ly disease, it is very curable in its early stages. If the cancer is confined to the bowel wall, the five-year survival can be greater than 90 percent. Once it has spread to lymph nodes, however, five-year …
Taking Our Message to Capitol Hill: ACCC/ONS Host Second Annual Policy Institute Taking Our Message to Capitol Hill: ACCC/ONS Host Second Annual Policy Institute O neology nurses, cancerprogram administra-tors and patient advo-catesvisited the officesof their respective members of Congress on Capitol Hill March 9 to make their voices heard. Their message to the nation's lawmakers in the …
ACCC Unveils New Look for its Web Site ACCCAcnON A new look for ACCC's web site at·c:an« """,0 " ' _ ' _ . ' _ ' .. _ . .'_c·_ ."' ''- ,..,_...... • -es; • - - - --• • _ _ _ lie-0-...------.. -o=.-:=.:::=.-...a --- _. - -- -_.- .-_._-_...- .....__...._-- - "-"'--'-'"' --.=--:-~.::..:=- -- oncology drugs and new off-label …