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Variations in Cancer DRG Profit and Loss by Hospital Size and Region of the Nation VARIATIONS IN CANCER DRG PROFIT AND LOSS BY HOSPITAL SIZE AND REGION OF THE NATION Lee E. Mortenson, MS, MPA John L. Young, Jr., DrPH Michael S. Ney, MPA REGIONAL PROFITILOSS DIFFERENCES EXHIBIT 1 Regional Definiti ons Scuthwesr (SW ) Zip codes 7 and 8 From Arkansas and Louisiana to Arizona …
Evaluating Quality of Care: ACCC's Clinical Indicator Project EVALUATING QUALITY OF CARE: ACCC'S CLINICAL INDICATOR PROJECT Part III: Validating Indicators - How Do We Know That A Clinical Indicator Is Meaningful? Lee E. Mortenson, MS, MPA Senior Editor, Executive Director Association ofCommunity Cancer Centers row and expand the data set. We hoped to narrow the data set to only those …
The President's Corner Oncology Issues The Journal0("'"Association of Com/rnIoiuIOTs, eontaining detailed informa/ion mout article lubmission guidelines,are Ivailable upon request Subscription Rates Individual: $40.00 per year; InsliMionl1 I nd Librsriel: $60.00 pcr year. ACCC membershipdues cover general and delegate member subscriptions. Copies are available for a fee. Bulk /lIlesavailable …
Going Smoke-Free: One Cancer Centers Experience (;OING SMOKE-FREE: ONE CANCER CENTER'S EXPERIENCE Michael P. Eriksen, Sc.D. T his article describes the experience of the University ofTexas MD. Anderson CancerCenter in its implementation ofa smoke-free policy. The author explains the planning process, how the impending policy change was communicated to staffand others, and how it is …
Association News ASSOCIATION NEWS ACCC BOARD MEMBER APPOINTED TO COMMISSION ON CANCER ACCC board member and treasurer, Lloyd K. Everson, M.D.• has been appointed as a representative of the Association to the American College of Sur- geon's Commis- sion on Cancer. Everson will serve a three-year term, and is eligible for reappointment to a second three-year Dr. Everson term. Other …
Pharmaceutical Reimbursement a National Health Policy Issue? it May Be the Only Solution to Continui PHARMACEUTICAL REIMBURSEMENT A NATIONAL HEALTH POLICY ISSUE? IT MAY BE THE ONLY SOLUTION TO CONTINUING PAYMENT PROBLEMS Marilyn M. Mannisto Managing Editor Association ofCommunity Cancer Centers Summary: Solutions to the pharmaceutical payment issues raised in the first part of …
National Data Show Significant Denials for the Treatment of Cancer with Alpha Interferon NATIONAL DATA SHOW SIGNIFICANT DENIALS FOR THE TREATMENT OF CANCER WITH ALPHA INTERFERON ~DIata covering a 21-month period reveal that many physicians across the nation are experiencing reimbursement difficulties when they prescribe alpha interferon for their patients, particularly for indications …
National Cancer Institute Strategies in Cancer Prevention NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE STRATEGIES IN CANCER PREVENTION Peter Greenwald, M.D., Dr.P.H. T he National Cancer Institute's activities in five important areas-early detection, public__ education, and antismoking, dietary, and chemopreventive research-are discussed by the director ofNCI's Division ofCancer Prevention and …
In the News: Legislation/Regulation… •_____IIIf$1---lIIil11-I IN THE NEWS: LEGISLATION/REGULATION... HCFA PERMITS WEEKLY BILLING BY RADIATION PHYSICISTS The Health Care Financing Administra- tion (HCFA) has extended its recent policy revisions for billable radiation therapy pro- fessional services to include weekly pay- ment fees, rather than being limited to daily fees, because of …
A Guide to Drug Compendia A GUIDE TO DRUG COMPENDIA -IlnMay of1988, the Joint Senate/House Conference Committee recommended that the ~Secretary of the Department ofHealth and Human Services consult three specific drug compendia when establishing standards for drug coverage under the outpatient drug amend- ment of the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of1988. Oncology Issues interviewed …
In the News IN THE NEWS HCFA HOLDS BRIEFING Home IV Drug ~herapy of Review Programs. In the case of home ON OUTPATIENT DRUG HCFA has had a greatdentor "difficuhy in IV therapy, the PRO will complete its PRESCRIPTION compiling a list o f eligible home IV drugs," review within one worid ng dayo f the initio said Robert Wren. director. the Officeof arion of therapy, Boothsa id. COVERAGE …
From the Editor… WEILCOVORIN°ThBLEfS ==(leucovorin calcium),== The Proven Considerate Rescue 5 mgand 25 mg tablets -. lnSCI'lIlleI1. _ con..... carIQW pt9SC/........ _ . ""''''' n. -..... IS • Dr" ............. 1IIIlICIl1ON1_U,*,_1-"_l._II:r""'~ nl_ol _ _ .....,. .. Io:ic_~ !.. lWoR~''lGS) CONTlIMGCAJIQN.S: l.o\IcrIOl __ .......-._'1-.· _ .. tw....acI"'l _lIIOQoI.... .. ,'''' ' odoWy lint …
ACCC 1989 Annual Fall Leadership Conference Oncology Economics VI: Outpatient and Home Health Care f ACCC 1989 ANNUAL FALL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE ONCOLOGY ECONOMICS VI: OUTPATIENT AND HOME HEALTH CARE FOR CANCER PATIENTS ACCC FALL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM Institution: Title: Registration Fees: __ ACCC Member $375.00 __ Non-Member $450.00 (Pleasecheckone) …
Cancer Prevention and Screening: Community Service or Good Economic Sense? CANCER PREVENTION AND SCREENIN(;: COMMUNITY SERVICE OR (;OOD ECONOMIC SENSE? Marilyn M, Mannisto H ealth promotion and disease prevention have long been bandied about as the most rational ways todecrease future health care costs. However, health care providers have been hard put to supply the cost-benefit and …
Fall Leadership Conference: Can Cancer Programs Survive the 1980s? FALL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE: CAN CANCER PROGRAMS SURVIVE THE 1980s? ITIhe agenda for the ACCC Fall Leadership Conference: "Oncology Economics V: Can Cancer Care Programs Survive the 1980s." is being finalized. The confer- ence will be held on September 22-24 at the Boston Sheraton Hotel. Keynote speakers tentatively …
The President's Corner Oncology Issu es ThoJoumAlof lllo "~of Comrn.""y Can«'fC""'" Snllor t:d hor l.« E. Moo m ...... M.S.• M,PA. ACCC E.\ecu,iye Dim;1Dr Ma nAJllinlt:.ditor Marilyn Manni'll" Producclon t:.ditor Carol K. John""'" EDiTO RI" L BO" RD Paul N. "nde'IWII. M D. Robe" T.O arke. M H.A. RlIbrrI E. End . MD, Paul F, Engo'rom. M.D. D. FInn, ng. M.D. Jmniftf …
The President's Corner The President's Corner PATIENT ADVOCACY GUIDES ACCC REIMBURSEMENT EFFORTS Over the past few months, I have been increas- ingly involved in discussions relating to reim- bursement in the area of cancer care. Much has been written in this Journal and elsewhere about the subject. Much, much more is to come. As the Association of Community Cancer Centers becomes …
Cancer Program Medical Directors: Growing in Number and Importance CANCER PROGRAM MEDICAL DIRECTORS: GROWING IN NUMBER AND IMPORTANCE Marilyn M. Mannisto Michael S. Ney, MPA rtX7!hat are the duties and challenges ofcancer program medical directors? A national sur- L!.I.Jvey by the ACCC provides data on compensation. percentage of time devoted to man- agement duties, reporting …
ACCC Annual Meeting Spurs Government Relations Initiatives ACCC Annual Meeting Spurs Government Relations Initiatives Phil Sharpe (above) and Sherry Hayes (right) provided an "insider's view" of washington ACCC HOSTS CONGRESSIONAL BREAKFAST The subject of government relations pervaded the ACCC Nat ional Meeting in Washington, DC, which sponsored a Congressional Breakfast featuring …
Interpretations of CPT Coding Create Confusion among Oncologists INTERPRETATIONS OF CPT CODING CREATE CONFUSION AMONG ONCOLOGISTS by Martin E. Nellner Martin E. Neltner, is president, Ne/tner Billing & Consulting Services, Inc.. Cincinnati, OH, an oncology practice management firm. PATIENT VISIT Personnel: MedicallOffice Spaceandequipment CHARGE Medical supplies Privateofficeonly …