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Audit Indicates Half of Current Chemotherapy Uses Lack FDA Approval AUDIT I DICATES HALF OF CURRE T CHEMOTHERAPY USES LACK FDA APPROVAL Lee E. Mortenson, M.S., M.P.A. Executive Director Association ofCommunity CancerCenters METHOTREXATE Like Fluorouracil, out-of-package insert use of Methotrexate is r--:- minimal---only 12percent of use '? falls outsideof packagelabeling. This …
The Hope of Clinical Cancer Research an THE HOPE OF CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH An Address by Charles G. Moertel, M.D. Upon Accepting the Association of Community Cancer Centers' Award for Outstanding Achievement in Clinical Research October 2,1987 I am very gratefulto be the first recipient of the clinicalresearchaward of the Association of CommunityCancer Centers. This is especially …
The President's Corner… The President's Corner... ACCC'S PRESENT AND FUTURE CHALLENGES As each Annual Meeting of the Association of Community Cancer Centers draws to a close, I have found myself both inspired and subdued. This year has been no exception. I contin- ue to be inspired by the sup- port, ideas, dedication, and energy that flow from our members across the country. There …
Voice of Experience an Ex-Medical Director's Suggestions William M. Dugall, M.D. l1ulilmapolis, ItuliallQ r········_·······_-- VOICE OF EXPERIENCE I An Ex-Medical Director's Suggestions Catherine A. Novak, RN. , M.S., is a Contributing Editor of theJournal of Cancer Program Management and a Senior Associate at ELM Services.Inc. Montgomery K. Today's Physician Manager: A New …
From the Editor… WEILCOVORIN'" TABLETS ==(leucovorin calcium)== The Proven Considerate Rescue 5 mg and 25 mg tablets Betore prescribing WElLCOVORIN· Tablets. please consul! complete prescnbmq mlor- matron. The following is a bnet summary INDICATIONS AND USAGE: \'Iellcovorln (leucoonncalcium) ISIndICated lor IheprophylaxIS andtreatment 01 undesired hemalOJXliel1c ellects ollohc aCId antaqomsts …
Hospital Reimbursement, Charges, and Profit and Loss for Cancer and Cancer-Related DRGs HOSPITAL REIMBURSEMENT, CHARGES, AND PROFIT AND LOSS FOR CANCER AND CANCER-RELATED DRGs John L. Young, Jr., DrPH Lee E. Mortenson, MS, MPA Michael S. Ney, MPA John L. Young, Jr., DrPH, is vice president, epidemiology and research, ELMServices, Inc., Lee E. Mortenson, MS, MPA, is exec- utive …
Freestanding Cancer Centers: The Changing Course of Cancer Care Delivery FREESTANDING CANCER CENTERS: The Changing Course of Cancer Care Delivery Eileen W. Cahill Associate Executive Director Association ofCommunity Cancer Centers One of the most controversial issues in recent cancer program development is the emer- gence of the freestanding cancer center (FCC). Like any controversial …
DRG Research Project NEW EDITION OF DRG RESEARCH BOOK SENT TO SPONSORS ACCC DRG Research Sponsors received the second in-depth report on cancer DRGs from the Association's Executive Office this week. The mono- graph,Cancer DRGs: A Second Look, presents new data on individual DRGs, and new analyseson cancer site-specific DRGs to administrators and clinicians. "Our use of computerized …
Annual Meeting Highlights ANNUAL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS New ACCC board members included: (above) Diane Van Ostenberg; (top , left to right), Thomas Beck, Robert Clarke, Simeon Cantril. ACCC Immediate Past President Robert Enck (bot- tom left) and new President David King (third from left) congratulate new committee chairpersons Irvin Fleming (second from left) , Jennifer Guy (second from …
Hospice News…: A Report from Hospice Association of America :t! IBurroughs WellcomeCo. Wtllcorna Research Tnangl' Park. NC11109 Anne Kat1erlulgen, R.N. Chairman oJ the Board HOSPICE NEWS... A REPORT FROM HOSPICE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA The Hospice Association of America (HAA) is a membership organization established in 1985, through the joint effortsof the Association of Community …
The Leading Oncology DRGs elements of this expanded discharge abstractdata set to produce the overall computerized severity level. Thus, the CSI can be used in the future on a national basis to study the implications of the prospective paymentsystem on cancercenters. REFERENCES 1. Hom SD, Sharkey PD, Chambers AF, Hom RA. Severity of Illness with- in DRGs: Impact on Prospective Pay- …
The Leading Oncology DRGs elements of this expanded discharge abstractdata set to produce the overall computerized severity level. Thus, the CSI can be used in the future on a national basis to study the implications of the prospective paymentsystem on cancercenters. REFERENCES 1. Hom SD, Sharkey PD, Chambers AF, Hom RA. Severity of Illness with- in DRGs: Impact on Prospective Pay- …
ACCC and JCAH Confer on Development of Clinical Indicators for Cancer Treatment in Hospitals ACCC and JCAH Confer on Development of Clinical Indicators for Cancer Treatment in Hospitals The Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals (lCAH) have madean initial commitment to develop a working agree- mentand workplan on clinical indicators …
Association News… _____III_-----ii ASSOCIATION NEWS... COMMITTEE BRIEFS Membership Committee At its January meeting, the board unan- imously approved the following applicants for membership in the ACCC: • Cancer Center of Colorado Springs Colorado Springs, Colorado • Good Shepherd Hospital Barrington,Illinois • HCA Parkview Medical Center Nashville, Tennessee • HospitalOncologico …
In the News: Legislation/Regulation… IN THE NEWS: LEGISLATION/REGULATION... ONCOLOGISTS DISPUTE FINDINGS OF GAO STUDY ON BREAKTHROUGH CANCER TREATMENTS Oncologists are taking exception to a recent report by the General Accounting Office (GAO) which con- cludes that a high percentage of eligible cancer patients are not receiving state- of-the-art chemotherapy treatment. The …
The President's Corner… The President's Corner. . . COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT IN CLINICAL TRIALS: THE FIRST REPORT CARD This is the timeof year that parents look forward to and kids dread; it is reportcard time, when we get to assess how our children are coping in the real world. As one of the parentsof CCOP, it is timefor ACCC to take a first look at the performance of its offspring now …
Charles Moertel CHARLES MOERTEL A CHAMPION OF CLINICAL RESEARCH IN THE COMMUNITY Few things matter more to Charles Moertel than total com- mitment to cancer patient care. He is the oncologists' oncolo- gist..,a man dedicated to his chosen profession...a champion of clinical research in the community. In honor of his spirit and his commitment to the commu- nity, the ACCC Board of Trustees …
ACCC Standards: Past, Present, and Future ACCC STANDARDS: PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE Robert E. Enck, M.D. Chairperson. ACCCAd Hoc Committee on Standards The concept of defining community cancer centers and programs through the development of standards has been an ongoing process parallelling the growth and maturation of ACCC as a leader in the oncology field. Under the leadership of …
Hospice News… ~ IBurroughsWw:llcome Co Wellcome Resealch triangle P a r~ . NC21109 Anne Katterhagen, R.N. Chairman of the Board HOSPICE, AIDS, AND LONG- TERM CARE A Report from Hospice Association of America In the realm of long-term care, hospice is not often thought of as a resource for the management of patients with long-term, yet terminal illnesses. Indeed, the preponderance …
Oncology DRG Research Produces Key Findings for Cancer Program Managers and Policy Makers :t! IBurroughs WellcomeCo. WtllcOftl. Research Triangle Park.NC21109 Lee E. Mortenson, M.S., M.P.A. Executive Director, Association ofCommunity CancerCenters and John W. Yarbro, M.D., Ph.D. Chairman, ACCC Ad Hoc Committee on Reimbursement "...capitation without severity adjustment could significantly …