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Related Content Mauris fringilla est enim, sed facilisis nibh blandit et Nullam in efficitur nulla vivamus sollicitudin et ipsum Donec blandit nunc nec turpis lacinia hendrerit Vestibulum sit amet dolor condimentum
Related Content Mauris fringilla est enim, sed facilisis nibh blandit et Nullam in efficitur nulla vivamus sollicitudin et ipsum Donec blandit nunc nec turpis lacinia hendrerit Vestibulum sit amet dolor condimentum
Related Content Mauris fringilla est enim, sed facilisis nibh blandit et Nullam in efficitur nulla vivamus sollicitudin et ipsum Donec blandit nunc nec turpis lacinia hendrerit Vestibulum sit amet dolor condimentum
Many types of biological products are used therapeutically and for supportive care for patients with cancer. Biologics are large, complex molecules that are produced by biotechnology in a living system (for example, a microorganism, plant, or animal cell). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates and approves biological products, which include therapeutic proteins and monoclonal …
Related Content Mauris fringilla est enim, sed facilisis nibh blandit et Nullam in efficitur nulla vivamus sollicitudin et ipsum Donec blandit nunc nec turpis lacinia hendrerit Vestibulum sit amet dolor condimentum
Related Content Mauris fringilla est enim, sed facilisis nibh blandit et Nullam in efficitur nulla vivamus sollicitudin et ipsum Donec blandit nunc nec turpis lacinia hendrerit Vestibulum sit amet dolor condimentum
For consumers, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website defines step therapy as follows: "[Step therapy is] a type of prior authorization. In most cases, you must first try a certain, less expensive drug on the plan’s formulary that’s been proven effective for most people with your condition before you can move up a “step” to a more expensive drug. For instance, some plans may …
Members of the ACCC IO Institute Executive Committee discuss why care coordination and communication among the IO team, other providers, and the patient is critical for effective delivery of immunotherapy for cancer. (features Mark Faries, MD; Sanjiv Agarwala, MD; and Niesha Griffith, MS, RPh, FASHP)
The latest on policy & reimbursement from the Immuno-Oncology Institute.
In May 2019, ACCC and SITC hosted a by-invitation Joint Immuno-Oncology Policy Summit in Washington, D.C. The interdisciplinary discussion focused on next steps in advancing immunotherapy for cancer with a focus on three areas: telehealth, CAR T implications, and care coordination and workforce issues. In this video, summit participants Sarah Murawski, MPAS, PA-C, Hematology/Oncology, Stem Cell …
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Related Content Mauris fringilla est enim, sed facilisis nibh blandit et Nullam in efficitur nulla vivamus sollicitudin et ipsum Donec blandit nunc nec turpis lacinia hendrerit Vestibulum sit amet dolor condimentum
Related Content Mauris fringilla est enim, sed facilisis nibh blandit et Nullam in efficitur nulla vivamus sollicitudin et ipsum Donec blandit nunc nec turpis lacinia hendrerit Vestibulum sit amet dolor condimentum
Related Content Mauris fringilla est enim, sed facilisis nibh blandit et Nullam in efficitur nulla vivamus sollicitudin et ipsum Donec blandit nunc nec turpis lacinia hendrerit Vestibulum sit amet dolor condimentum
As immunotherapy for cancer continues to evolve—so has the Association of Community Cancer Centers—adapting to meet the changing needs of the oncology community. The ACCC Immuno-Oncology Institute is the only initiative dedicated to educating multidisciplinary teams to go beyond a clinical understanding of IO and tackle real-world implementation issues. With the care of patients on immunotherapies …
As oncology engages in value-based reimbursement, new payment models, and precision medicine, oncology pharmacists and pharmacy staff are integral to the successful delivery of quality, cost-effective patient care.
The dawn and evolution of immunotherapies have given rise to a new class of cancer survivors whose novel experience with these treatments require new tools and resources in survivorship.
Today – Friday, May 11, 2018 – President Trump announced the administration’s plan to tackle rising drug costs in the United States through a four-pronged policy approach outlined in “American Patients First: The Trump Administration Blueprint to Lower Drug Prices and Reduce Out-of-Pocket Costs.” Proposed strategies seek to lower prescriptions drug costs through increased competition, improved …
Last week – on Thursday, May 3, 2018 – Oncology Care Model (OCM)-participating practices from across the country traveled to the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) offices in Baltimore, Md., for the annual OCM Stakeholder Meeting. The public forum was hosted by a panel of representatives from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI), including Lara Strawbridge, OCM Model …
Slidedizer Presentation ©2018 ACCC Financial Advocacy Network Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) Financial Advocacy Network Town Hall Financial Advocacy Services Guidelines A p r i l 2 5 , 2 0 1 8 W e b i n a r ©2018 ACCC Financial Advocacy Network Welcome Hira Chowdhar y, MPH MS Assoc iat ion of Community Cancer Centers ©2018 …