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Successful Integration of Bispecific Antibodies into Community Oncology Practice

Bispecific antibodies, designed to redirect immune cells to target specific cancer cells or to simultaneously block two different pathways involved in disease, have far-reaching therapeutic potential as treatment for cancer.

The Association of Cancer Care Centers (ACCC)—in partnership with the Lymphoma Research Foundation and the Advanced Practitioner Society for Hematology and Oncology (APSHO)—has launched an educational initiative to prepare cancer care  teams for the successful integration of bispecific antibodies into community oncology settings and to help care teams assess readiness for the safe administration and use of bispecific antibodies, including management of adverse events associated with bispecific antibodies. This program also explores best practices in care coordination, including the importance of establishing strong referral networks between academic and community sites as well as process improvements to optimize referral patterns, navigation and patient advocacy services, and transitions of care for patients receiving bispecific antibodies.

This project was made possible by support from Genentech and Johnson and Johnson.

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