

In This Section

2019 Advisory Committee

Patricia Friend
Patricia Friend, PhD, APRN-CNS, AOCNS, AGN-BC
Associate Professor and Program Director
Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing, Loyola University Chicago
Chicago, IL

Patricia Friend, PhD, APRN-CNS, AOCNS, AGN-BC, has advanced certification in oncology nursing, is board certified in advanced genetics nursing, and is licensed as an APRN-CNS (Clinical Nurse Specialist). Her areas of expertise are oncology and genomics, educational preparation of advanced practice nurses, online education, and interprofessional education and practice. Dr. Friend’s doctoral dissertation work was supported by the American Cancer Society (doctoral scholarship), and her pre-doctoral fellowship (F31) was from the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Friend’s doctoral research—examining the interactions between stress and immune responses in women undergoing diagnostic breast biopsy—was funded by the National Cancer Institute, the Oncology Nursing Foundation, and the Chicago Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society. Dr. Friend has experience with educational training grants, and she currently leads a team of faculty supported by the NCI-sponsored Interprofessional Education Exchange (iPEX) Project, which is developing interprofessional education in palliative care.

Dr. Friend’s main area of clinical scholarship and research interest is genetics/genomics. She serves on the Genomics Advisory Board for the Oncology Nursing Society, and she is interested in improving the genomic literacy of healthcare educators, students, and clinicians. Dr. Friend has taught a Cancer Genomics course for graduate nursing students for many years.

Jennifer Godden, PharmD, BCOP
Co-Director, Oncology Precision Medicine
Advocate Aurora Health Care
Milwaukee, WI

Jennifer Godden, PharmD, BCOP, is the Co-Director of Oncology Precision Medicine at Advocate Aurora Health Care in Milwaukee, WI. She received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Iowa in 2007, graduating with high distinction. Following graduation, Dr. Godden completed a PGY-1 Pharmacy Practice Residency with Aurora Health Care (AHC). She worked at AHC for an additional two as an inpatient clinical pharmacist before becoming AHC’s first PGY-2 Oncology Pharmacy Specialty Resident. After her second residency, Dr. Godden continued to work for AHC as an oncology clinical coordinator for five years before moving into her current position. Dr. Godden is board certified as an oncology pharmacist by the American College of Clinical Pharmacy and is a member of the Hematology Oncology Pharmacy Association and Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin.

Annette Kim
Annette S. Kim, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School
Hematopathologist and Molecular Pathologist,
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Boston, MA

Annette S. Kim, MD, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School and a practicing hematopathologist and molecular pathologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, MA. She has prior training in synthetic organic chemistry and structural biology, and she spent several years in the pharmaceutical industry before returning to academia. Since returning to clinical practice, Dr. Kim has practiced diagnostic hematopathology and molecular pathology, and she is the Associate Director of the Center for Advanced Molecular Diagnostics, in which role she has directed assay validation and quality assurance.

Dr. Kim has experience implementing, receiving funding for, and publishing on efforts in test utilization management, conducting studies on the cost-effective practice of hematopathology. She has been an active member of the Association of Molecular Pathology, serving as chair of several committees and as a member of the Executive Committee, Strategic Opportunities Committee, and Board. She also serves on the College of American Pathologists Molecular Oncology Committee. Through these societies, Dr. Kim has published key papers on myeloid mutational patterns and the performance of FDA companion diagnostics and laboratory developed assays, including the performance of next-generation sequencing assays.

Edward S. Kim, MD, MBA
Physician-in-Chief,City of Hope Orange County
Vice Physician-in-Chief,City of Hope National Medical Center
Professor, Department of Medical Oncology & Therapeutics Research
Irvine, CA

Dr. Edward Kim serves as Physician-in-Chief of City of Hope Orange County and Vice Physician-in-Chief of City of Hope National Medical Center. His vision focuses on strategic, team-oriented translational research and patient advocacy to increase accessibility and equity in cancer care.

Recognized as a U.S. News & World Report "Top Doctor," Dr. Kim is renowned for his oncology expertise and is positioned to drive innovation in cancer care delivery. He is developing new paradigms for translating research into clinical practice and introducing therapies throughout the Orange County clinical network.

Backed by a distinguished history of pioneering cancer research, Dr. Kim is among the country's foremost experts in molecular prognostication―which advances cancer detection and personalized therapies―for lung, head, and neck cancers. He has served as principal/co-principal investigator on numerous studies and protocols and authored over 200 publications in journals including The Lancet, Journal of Clinical Oncology, and Cancer Discovery.

Before joining City of Hope, Dr. Kim chaired Solid Tumor Oncology and Investigational Therapeutics at Levine Cancer Institute and held the Donald S. Kim Distinguished Chair for Cancer Research. He recently completed his MBA at University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School.

Scott VandenBerg
Scott VandenBerg, MD, PhD
Director, Tissue Core Facility
UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
San Francisco, CA
Scott VandenBerg, MD, PhD, is the director of the Tissue Core Facility at UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, with extensive experience developing tissue-based biomarker techniques and directing biorepositories for the optimal acquisition, archiving, annotation, and custodianship of human tissue for cancer research. Dr. VandenBerg’s technical expertise in molecular morphology include immunohistochemistry/immunofluorescence and molecular in situ analyses.

Since 2008, a major emphasis of his technical research core activities has been to develop more quantitative detection of biomarkers of activated signaling pathways in a wide spectrum of human disease, focusing on cancer. His translational research focuses on the application of multiple proteomic, epigenetic, and genetic techniques for the molecular morphologic analysis of biomarkers in CNS tumor sections. The technologies include processing techniques for tissue to preserve analyte quality for RNA, DNA, and proteomics with optimal histologic quality and multiple detection modalities on tissue sections for biomarker multiplexing in heterogeneous tumors, including the genomic and proteomic characterization of prognostic markers in CNS tumors.

Dr. VandenBerg directed the establishment of a tissue technology laboratory to optimize the use of quantitative immunofluorescence detection techniques for combined IF/ISH analyses and for the multiplex analysis of inter-related signaling pathways in human tissue, focusing on cancer. Prior to joining UCSF, Dr. VandenBerg was director of the UCSD Moores Comprehensive Center Biorepository, Histopathology, and Tissue Technology Shared Resource.