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Bispecific Antibodies

In the rapidly advancing field of immuno-oncology, T-cell redirecting bispecific antibodies—engineered to simultaneously bind 2 different antigens—are an innovative and emerging platform in cancer immunotherapy.¹ The application of bispecific antibodies may soon expand beyond hematologic malignancies to treat solid tumors, including small cell lung, prostate, and gastrointestinal cancers. As the use of bispecific antibodies continues to expand, addressing barriers such as treatment-related toxicities and other practical considerations is essential for their successful implementation in community cancer care.

Featured Resources

A Blueprint for Successful Integration of Bispecific Antibodies
Explore a quick guide developed to support the operationalization of bispecific antibodies (BsAbs) in the community oncology setting. Receive suggestions for how each member of the multidisciplinary care team can be involved in building organizational capacity to treat eligible patients with BsAbs.
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Foundations of Bispecific Antibodies (BsAbs)
This educational recording reviews the basics of bispecific antibodies, their clinical applications, and FDA-approved treatments. It also provides practical strategies for managing adverse events, patient education and the financial and operational factors essential for successful integration into clinical practice. 

Untitled design (12)Sharing Operational Insights for the Delivery of Bispecific Antibodies in Solid Tumors
Spotlight on West Virginia University Cancer Institute

West Virginia University (WVU) Cancer Institute has made strides in the implementation of bispecific antibodies. This spotlight reviews WVU's best practices that help ensure their patients are able to receive advanced therapies despite logistical and socioeconomic challenges.

Resource Library
Access a collection of curated tools and resources to assist cancer programs with the integration of bispecific antibodies into community oncology practice. Explore training for the multidisciplinary care team, consensus recommendations, and policy and procedure information.


1UsingBsAbsCommunityPracticeUsing Bispecific Antibodies in Community Practice: Challenge and Opportunities
Read an overview of bispecific antibodies (BsAbs) and the results of an ACCC survey of multidisciplinary providers which assessed their understanding of—and readiness for—using BsAbs in the treatment of patients with cancer.

2ChecklistCommunityProvidersBispecific Antibodies Checklist for Community Providers
Community cancer providers may use this checklist whether their program is referring patients to academic centers or treating patients in-house. Refer to the section of the checklist that is pertinent to your situation.


3BsAbsConsiderationsandRecommendationsConsiderations and Recommendations for Expanding Access to Cellular Bispecific Therapies
Read this comprehensive guide developed between the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) and the ACCC for best practices and strategies to implement a sustainable immunotherapy program.


4BispecificAntibodiesAdverseEventManagementIssues Brief: Best Practices in Expanding Access to Antibodies and Adverse Event Management
This resource explores ways to expand patient access to bispecific antibodies (BsAbs) and identifies methods to optimize the early identification and management of treatment-related adverse events (TRAE) with a focus on cytokine release syndrome (CRS).


From the ACCCBuzz Blog


Where to Start? Implementing Bispecific Antibody Therapies in the Community Setting
December 18, 2024
ACCC spoke to Kelly Terrell to capture her insights and tips for community cancer centers to get started with providing bispecific antibody therapies to patients with cancer.


Addressing Myths and Building Confidence Towards Delivering Bispecific Antibodies in the Community Setting
November 27, 2024
ACCCBuzz spoke to Joshua Brody, MD to better understand how Bispecific Antibodies work and how they can be easily implemented in the community setting.


Supporting Patient Information and Resource Needs for Bispecific Antibody Treatments
November 05, 2024
A review of how bispecific antibody treatments fit within the cancer care continuum and how they differ from CAR T-cell therapy as well as the education and resources available to patients and their families.

Abstracts & Presentations

[Abstract 2289] Demystifying the delivery and adverse event management of bispecific antibodies in the community setting
December 7, 2024
Accepted for poster presentation at the American Society of Hematology 2024 Annual Meeting, December 6 – 9, 2024.

[Abstract 4033] Multidisciplinary Provider Insights to Promote Adoption of Bispecific Antibodies to Treat Cancer in the Community
December 8, 2021
Presented at the 63rd ASH Annual Meeting, December 11-14, 2021, in Atlanta, GA.

Cancer Buzz Podcast

Implementing Bispecific Antibodies: The Blueprint for Community Oncology Excellence – [Podcast] Ep 179
Bispecific antibodies (BsAbs) have the potential to transform cancer treatment and are being actively integrated into community oncology practices. To support oncology practices as they introduce BsAbs into their treatment protocols, the Association of Cancer Care Centers (ACCC) has developed a comprehensive blueprint for this process. This resource highlights key strategies, best practices, and considerations for successful implementation. It gives guidance on capacity building, care coordination, and adverse event management, reflecting ACCC’s commitment to providing education and expanding access to this innovative treatment for patients with cancer. In this episode, CANCER BUZZ speaks with Donald Moore, PharmD, clinical oncology pharmacy manager at Atrium Health Levine Cancer, about the role of bispecific antibodies in oncology care and unique challenges associated with interdisciplinary collaboration. Dr Moore also discusses how the new Blueprint is designed to empower cancer practices to optimize the rollout of these innovative therapies.

Navigating the Operational Challenges of Treatment with Bispecific Antibodies - [Podcast] Ep 148
Advancements in clinical data and research have shown the immunotherapeutic potential of bispecific antibodies as treatment for hematologic cancers and solid tumors. In this episode, CANCER BUZZ speaks with Aaron Cumpston, PharmD, pharmacy clinical specialist in hematologic malignancies and bone marrow transplant and Christine Barrett, PharmD, BCOP, medical oncology clinical pharmacy specialist at WVU Cancer Institute who discusses the challenges of care coordination and therapy and shares operational best practices for the delivery of bispecific antibodies in the community setting.

Exploring Bispecific Antibodies in Community Oncology: Overcoming Challenges and Harnessing Opportunities – [Video Podcast] Ep 52
In this episode, CANCER BUZZ speaks with Jean Louise Koff, MD, MSc, associate professor of hematology and medical oncology at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, to discuss the impact of bispecific antibodies on cancer treatment outcomes, and the challenges and opportunities of integrating this innovative approach into community oncology practices. 

Navigating the Operational Challenges of Treatment with Bispecific Antibodies - [Podcast] Ep 148
Advancements in clinical data and research have shown the immunotherapeutic potential of bispecific antibodies as treatment for hematologic cancers and solid tumors. In this episode, CANCER BUZZ speaks with Aaron Cumpston, PharmD, pharmacy clinical specialist in hematologic malignancies and bone marrow transplant and Christine Barrett, PharmD, BCOP, medical oncology clinical pharmacy specialist at WVU Cancer Institute who discusses the challenges of care coordination and therapy and shares operational best practices for the delivery of bispecific antibodies in the community setting.

On-Demand Webinars

Expanding Access to Cellular and Bispecific Therapies: Considerations and Recommendations
ACCC and SITC gathered experts Allison Betof Warner, MD, PhD, of Stanford University School of Medicine; Syed Haider, MD, of Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center; and Robert Richards, MS, MBA, of Penn Medicine, to review the 3 areas of focus: Education, Coordination, and Facilitation in the Expanding Access to Cellular and Bispecific Therapies Report.

From Oncology Issues

Readiness for Bispecific Antibody Therapy: Initiation and Maintenance Phases
Explore insights gained from a landscape analysis and focus group discussions detailing how community oncology programs can address barriers, build capacity, raise awareness, and embrace collaboration to integrate BsAb therapy into clinical practice.
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  1. National Cancer Institute. Bispecific antibodies. Definition of Cancer Terms. Last accessed May 20, 2020.

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