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Important Legislation to Promote Early Detection of Cancer Passes a Key Milestone

By Nicole Tapay, JD
July 11, 2024

On June 27, 2024, the House Ways & Means Committee unanimously passed the Nancy Gardner Sewell Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage Act (H.R. 2407). With this broad and bipartisan Congressional support, senior citizens covered by the Medicare program are one step closer to having access to advanced cancer screenings—enabling earlier detection and improving treatment outcomes. “Cancer knows no political party, and I’m proud of the bipartisan and unanimous work of the Ways and Means Committee to advance this bill,” said Representative Teri A. Sewell of Alabama, lead sponsor of the bill. “After years of tireless advocacy, we are one step closer to expanding access to new, early detection cancer screenings for our seniors.” 

Like many Americans, Rep. Sewell understands the toll cancer has on patients and their families, especially when faced with a late-stage diagnosis. “While my mother is no longer with us, I know that she is smiling down on us today,” Rep. Sewell said. “The legacy of Nancy Gardner Sewell will live on in the millions of Americans whose lives will be changed by this legislation. What keeps me going is knowing that what we do today will save countless lives in the future and pave the way for a world without cancer.”

Screening and early detection will be key to building this world without cancer. If cancers are diagnosed earlier and proper treatment is administered, outcomes are typically more successful. Research shows that early cancer detection not only saves lives, but also improves outcomes, enhances patients’ quality of life, and lowers treatment costs.  Yet until recently, limited methods for early screening have been available. Patients and health care professionals have had to rely on early detection tools for just 5 types of cancer out of over a 100 known to us. Consequently, some of the deadliest cancers, such as liver, ovarian, and pancreatic, have no recommended routine screening options. 

Improving Screening Options 

New screening technologies such as multi-cancer early detection (MCED) testswhich can spot cancer signals from dozens of types of cancer in a person’s bloodstreamhave the potential to transform our approach and delivery of cancer care. Furthermore, these tests require only a single draw of blood and therefore can be administered in a wide variety of health care settings.  

However, the enormous potential of this technology will not be realized unless it is accessible to those who need it most. H.R. 2407 allows the Medicare program to enable timely coverage of MCED tests after they are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Without this policy change, it could be years before beneficiaries can access these screenings.  Additionally, public health programs must be able to embrace and cover technologies such as MCEDs without unnecessary delay. H.R. 2407 allows this to happen, ensuring Medicare can keep pace with the latest advancements in medical science.  

The Association of Cancer Care Centers (ACCC) supports Medicare coverage of these important screening tools, and the Association is not alone. More than 500 organizations from across the country support this bill because they share ACCC’s commitment to making advanced cancer screenings broadly available to those in need.  

ACCC applauds the House Ways and Means Committee for passing this critical legislation and will continue to work with policymakers and other stakeholders to advocate for the passage of H.R. 2407 during this Congressional session.

Nicole Tapay, JD, is director, Cancer Care Delivery and Health Policy, Association of Cancer Care Centers (ACCC).