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Guidelines Task Force

As the healthcare landscape continues to change and the role of oncology financial advocates evolves, ACCC’s Financial Advocacy Network is collaborating with its partners to update the Financial Advocacy Services Guidelines using a consensus-based process.

Meredith Doherty
Meredith Doherty, PhD, LCSW
Assistant Professor, School of Social Policy & Practice
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA

Meredith Doherty, PhD, LCSW, conducts mixed-method, community-engaged research to understand the relationship between economic security and health. She examines the process through which medical financial hardship accelerates existing racial and ethnic health disparities. As a faculty member of the School of Policy and Practice Center for Guaranteed Income Research, Dr. Doherty teaches courses in health policy and social work/nonprofit leadership. She is also the lead investigator of the Guaranteed Income and Financial Treatment Trial, which focuses on alleviating financial hardship in families facing cancer. 

Dr. Doherty draws upon her clinical experience as a palliative care social worker in safety-net community hospitals to develop, implement, and evaluate healthcare-based social needs interventions that target downstream social determinants of health in medically underserved populations. As an implementation scientist, she seeks to understand the role of community and organizational leaders in the delivery of evidence-based strategies to promote healthcare access and reduce disparities. Dr. Doherty received her Master of Social Work from the Silver School of Social Work at New York University and Doctor of Philosophy in social welfare from the City University of New York, and she was co-chief research fellow in psycho-oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Sharon Gentry
Sharon Gentry, MSN, RN, HON-ONN-CG, AOCN, CBCN
Program Director, Academy of Oncology Nurse & Patient Navigators
The Lynx Group
Cranbury, NJ

Sharon Gentry, MSN, RN, HON-ONN-CG, AOCN, CBCN, is the program director, Academy of Oncology Nurse and Patient Navigators (AONN+) at The Lynx Group in Cranbury, N.J.  She serves as a leader for the AONN+ organization, guiding and directing the organization based on agreed-upon strategic plans, goals, and objectives that the organization—with administrative support from The Lynx Group—intends to achieve in the short term and long-term. Gentry oversees the AONN+ Leadership Council and local navigation networks.

She travels nationally, lecturing on the navigation concept in healthcare, and has published numerous articles and chapters on the subject. Gentry is on the editorial board for the Journal of Oncology Navigation & Survivorship, CONQUER: the patient voice, and The Oncology Nurse-APN/PA.

On the local level, Gentry is a Trellis Supportive Care Board Member and participates in its Professional Advisory Committee, and she is an active member of the North Carolina Piedmont Triad Local Navigation Network and Piedmont Triad Oncology Nursing Society. She obtained her bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in nursing from the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill and UNC Greensboro, respectively.

Rebecca Kirch
Rebecca Kirch, JD
Executive Vice President for Healthcare Quality and Value
National Patient Advocate Foundation

Rebecca Kirch, JD, provides strategic focus and leadership in bringing the millions of patient and family voices NPAF and PAF represent to the forefront of national healthcare quality improvement efforts.

She previously worked 15 years at the American Cancer Society and its advocacy affiliate, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. As the Society’s first director of quality of life and survivorship, she orchestrated the development of its national agenda addressing pain, symptoms, and distress experienced by patients, survivors, and caregivers. She created collaborative initiatives in research, programs, and advocacy for integrated palliative, psychosocial, and rehabilitation services, as well as enhanced clinical communication skills.

Rebecca also played a leading role in planning and executing the Institute of Medicine 2015 joint workshop “Comprehensive Cancer Care for Children and Families” and the National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine’s Quality Care for People with Serious Illness Roundtable 2017 workshop on “Integrating Patient and Family Voices in Serious Illness Care.” She also serves as Quality of Life and Person-Centered Care’s Task Force co-chair for the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and a board member for children’s oncology care camps.

Maggie Liang
Margaret Liang, MD, MSHPM
Gynecologic Oncologist and Health Services Researcher
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Cedars-Sinai Cancer Center
Los Angeles, CA

Margaret “Maggie” Liang, MD, MSHPM, is a gynecologic oncologist and health services researcher at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Cedars-Sinai Cancer Center in Los Angeles, Calif. Her research focuses on developing interventions to address patient and caregiver financial toxicity, and she has several years of experience helping with developing a financial navigation program at the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). 

Dr. Liang serves as the network relations lead for the Emotional Well-Being and Economic Burden (EMOT-ECON) Research Network, which aims to establish a national network of stakeholder members to advance science on the economic consequences of disease, as well as its impact on patients’ emotional well-being. She completed an obstetrics and gynecology residency at The Ohio State University and a gynecologic oncology fellowship at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). Dr. Liang also earned a Master of Science in Health Policy and Management from UCLA.

Angie Santiago
Angie Santiago, BBA, CRCS, FACCC
Senior Business Manager, Medical Oncology
Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at the Thomas Jefferson University Health System
Philadelphia, PA

Angie Santiago, BBA, CRCS, FACCC, is a senior business manager for medical oncology at the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at the Thomas Jefferson University Health System. She created and implemented the Oncology Patient Assistance Program, which the health system uses to help patients acquire supplemental financial coverage that exceeds what the hospital’s business office has traditionally provided.

Santiago has worked in healthcare for more than two decades within patient access, revenue cycle, and financial counseling. She is a graduate of the Association of Cancer Care Centers Financial Advocacy Network boot camp and currently services as chair for the network’s Advisory Committee. Santiago has also presented on financial toxicity and related topics at patient navigators’ networking meetings.

Wendi Waugh, BS, RT(R)(T), CMD, ODS, FACCC
Administrative Director of Cancer Services & Ambulatory Infusion
Southern Ohio Medical Center, SOMC Cancer Center
Portsmouth, OH

Wendi Waugh, BS, RT(R)(T), CMD, ODS, FACCC, is the administrative director of cancer services and ambulatory infusion at Southern Ohio Medical Center in Portsmouth, Ohio. She brings more than 30 years of experience in healthcare to this role. Waugh began her career in medical imaging but has spent the last 28 years in oncology. Her passion for community health and development led her to assume a larger leadership role at Southern Ohio Medical Center in 2013, when she assumed leadership of the community health and wellness teams.

A survivor of breast cancer, Waugh’s interests include community development, public speaking, leadership, dance, fitness, hiking and biking, and spending time with her family. She is a graduate of the Radiologic Technology Program at Shawnee State University and received her training for radiation therapy at Weber State University. Waugh received a Bachelor of Science in health administration and health informatics from Kennedy-Western Reserve, and she is also a certified cancer registrar and certified medical dosimetrist.