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Letters and Statements

ACCC writes and signs on to letters to Congress and the Administration to promote our policy interests. We also write advocacy statements, blog posts, and opinion pieces on a wide range of topics in cancer care. Questions related to health policy? Contact Nicole Tapay, JD, Director, Cancer Care Delivery & Health or Meagan O’Neill, MS, Executive Director of ACCC.

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Latest Letters

  • ACCC Expresses Concern to FDA Regarding Inspection Delays
    October 11, 2022

    In a letter to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Robert Califf, M.D., ACCC raises concern about recent delays in inspections of manufacturing facility that have led to interruptions in the approval of breakthrough therapies. We are particularly concerned when these delays impact novel treatments for diseases without FDA-approved therapies available and those that disproportionately impact minority communities.
    Read the Letter

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