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Pharmacy Metrics for Off-Label Treatment

Ali McBride, PharmD, MS, BCOP
Clinical Coordinator of Hematology/Oncology
The University of Arizona Cancer Center (Moderator)

Sarah Hudson-DiSalle, RPH, PharmD
Oncology Pharmacy Manager, Medication Assistance Program and Reimbursement Services
The James Cancer Hospital and Wexner Medical Center, Ohio State University School of Pharmacy

Derek Burns, PharmD, BCPS, DPLA
Director of Pharmacy & Admixture Services
Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers-Aurora

Anti-cancer treatment plans inclusive of an off-label agent(s) are often more costly for patients and cancer programs. The need for time-intensive prior authorizations, peer-to-peer review, and potential delay in time to treatment initiation are just a few of the challenges cancer care team members face. This session will explore patient and staff impact, effects on program revenue integrity, and suggested metrics to track off-label use.

This webinar is part of the Oncology Pharmacy Education Network Webinar Series. When you register for this webinar, you will receive access to all webinars in the series.
View On-Demand Recording

Thank you to Merck & Co. for their financial support of the ACCC Oncology Pharmacy Education Network.