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The Home as a New Site of Cancer Care

Thu, July 14, 2022
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

During his ACCC 2022-23 President’s Theme, David R. Penberthy, MD, MBA, will host a series of live, 60-minute Tech Talks (informal and interactive Zoom calls) to hear directly from the ACCC membership on how they are developing technology-driven solutions to better deliver person-centered care.

The Home as a New Site of Cancer Care
Thursday, July 14, 1:00 to 2:00 PM EDT

The expansion of telehealth services during the COVID-19 public health emergency and increasing Medicare coverage for remote patient monitoring since 2019 have allowed patients to increasingly receive care at home. Discuss how access to these technologies have revolutionized cancer care delivery, identify regulatory barriers to long-term transformation, and consider an ideal future state. 

Tech Talk Discussion Facilitators:

  • Dr. David Penberthy, Medical Director of Radiation Oncology, Bon Secours, Southside Regional Medical Center 
  • Mark Liu, MHA, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Oncology Service Line, Mount Sinai Health System & Tisch Cancer Institute
  • Matt Devino, MPH, Director, Cancer Care Delivery and Health Policy, ACCC (Moderator)

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These interactive discussions will not be shared afterwards as on-demand recordings so please reserve the time in your calendar and join us on July 14! All ACCC members are encouraged to participate and learn from peers across the country!