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All Oncology Pharmacy OI Articles


From Oncology Issues

  • Implementation of a Bispecific T-Cell Engager Therapy Program at a Community Cancer Center
    Courtney Vanhouzen, Bradley Wuthrich, Colton Zwart, Claire Boomershine
    Munson Healthcare’s Cowell Family Cancer Center won a 2024 ACCC Innovator Award for its bispecific T-cell engager therapy program, which offers a viable alternative to CAR T-cell therapy for patients with relapsed and refractory cancers.
  • Operationalizing a Breakthrough Bladder Cancer Medication With a Multidisciplinary Approach: Insights From Nurse Leaders
    Rebecca Farrell, MSN, RN, NEA-BC; Erin Longstreth-Papsun, MSN, RN, OCN, NEA-BC
    An interdisciplinary team of genitourinary service line leaders, pharmacy representatives, clinical nurse leaders, financial counselors, and urologic oncologists helped Fox Chase Cancer Center to pilot a novel treatment for bladder cancer.
  •  Spotlight: Coastal Cancer Center, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
  •  Developing a Cancer Care and Community Paramedicine Partnership
    By Michelle Goodman, RN, BSN, MBA, et al.
    Presbyterian Healthcare Services developed a unique service, offering patients with cancer certain clinical interventions and wellness checks in the comfort of their home that is provided by the Albuquerque Ambulance Service Mobile Integrated Health team.
  •  A Model Telehealth Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Program
    By Amanda Parkes, MD, et al.
    The overall cancer rate among adolescents and young adults is on a gradual increase, thus creating the need for oncology programs geared towards young adults and adolescents.
  •  Leveraging Pharmacy Informatics to Standardize Pharmacists Review of Oral Oncolytics-for-Hospitalized-Patients
    Madison Saxton, PharmD, et al.
    Pharmacy informatics can be leveraged to help clinical inpatient pharmacists ensure the safe use of oral oncolytics during a patient’s hospital stay.
  •  Compliance: 2022 Oncology Coding Update
    Teri Bedard, BA, RT(R)(T), CPC
    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the American Medical Association's (AMA's) finalized coding updates for calendar year 2022.
  •  Compliance: 2022 Physician and Freestanding Facilities Update
    Teri Bedard, BA, RT(R)(T), CPC
    The Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) for calendar year 2022.
  •  Compliance: 2022 Hospital Regulatory Update
    Teri Bedard, BA, RT(R)(T), CPC
    The Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (HOPPS) for calendar year 2022.
  •  Views: Put Yourself First Words to Live By
    Dr. Cheyenne Bryant
    Put yourself first: this mantra is especially important today as we continue to grapple with the implications and fallout from the COVID-19 global pandemic.
  •  Compliance: Discontinued Services in Oncology
    Teri Bedard, BA, RT(R)(T), CPC
    Regardless of the reason, the ability to bill for discontinued services will depend on why the service had to be stopped and how it was addressed.
  •  Connection is Key
    Krista Nelson, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C, FAOSW
    As we turn the corner toward 2022, for oncology to drive equity forward: We need every member and every discipline, patient, leader, payer, industry partner, and innovator working together to provide the most equitable care possible in a sustainable way.
  •  A Focus on APPs
    Sibel Blau, MD
    While the number of oncology patients and survivors is increasing, the growth of medical oncologists has lagged behind, and advanced practice providers (APPs) play a critical role in filling this care gap.
  •  Issues: Biosimilars are Overcoming Challenges of a Turbulent, Unfriendly Marketplace
    Blake McCreery-Cullifer, CPRP
    In addition to the global pandemic, ongoing lawsuits from referenced biologics' manufacturers suing biosimilar manufacturers are having a negative impact on the development and approval of new biosimilars.
  •  Summit Explores Role of Oncology Advanced Practitioners in Equitable Cancer Care Delivery
    Learn the 10 feasible and impactful “how-tos” Summit participants identified within three domains—care coordination and communication, clinical trials, and acknowledging and mitigating implicit bias.
  •  Care Coordination: The Role of Pharmacy to Help Manage Patients with Cancer on Oral Oncolytics
    Because oral anti-cancer agents are most often administered outside of the clinic setting, it takes a multidisciplinary team to successfully manage these patients and their treatments.
  •  What Does Leading with Mindfulness and Compassion Look Like?
    Amanda Patton, MA
    In an interview with Oncology Issues, Dr. Weiss shares why she believes this work is important in all levels of healthcare—from the clinic to the boardroom.
  •  Compassionate Healthcare
    Krista Nelson, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C, FAOSW
    Many times, being present, allowing the grief, and letting our patients know they aren’t alone is the only “treatment” we have. So, what sustains us? How do we do this every day?
  •  A Focus on Our Staff
    Sibel Blau, MD
    At Northwest Medical Specialties, we, too, face challenges from staff stress and exhaustion. To address and overcome these challenges, our management team has made it a priority to bolster the resiliency of our staff.
  •  A Pharmacist Collaborative Practice Agreement Improves Oral Oncolytic Workflow and Reduces Treatment Delays
    Amanda L. Wright, PharmD, et al.
    St. Luke’s Cancer Institute, formerly known as Mountain States Tumor Institute, established its medically integrated pharmacy in 2010 to manage patients on oral oncolytics. To improve the workflow in the medically integrated pharmacy and assist busy providers with patient care, St. Luke’s Cancer institute’s pharmacy management team discussed opportunities to expand pharmacist responsibilities, including the implementation of a collaborative practice agreement.
  •  Transitioning Select Chemotherapeutics to the Outpatient Setting Improves Care and Reduces Costs
    Ali McBride, PharmD, MS, BCOP, and Daniel Persky, MD
    Providers and staff at the University of Arizona Cancer Center, along with published literature, report that patients want to receive their therapies in the outpatient setting when possible
  •  Trending Now in Cancer Care
    Alexandria Howson, PhD
    Rather than fielding its annual Trending Now in Cancer Care survey while cancer programs were experiencing unprecedented challenges due to the extended public health emergency, ACCC chose to facilitate conversations with its members to capture the lived experiences of the most pertinent issues impacting oncology practice and care delivery.
  •  Issues: Recent Trends in White Bagging and Brown Bagging
    Kristin Ferguson, DNP, RN, OCN
    Over the last several months, ACCC members have experienced a rising trend of payer-mandated white and brown bagging. ACCC will continue to monitor and update members about issues related to white and brown bagging.
  •  The Evolving Immunotherapeutic Landscape in Renal Cell Carcinoma
    Robert A. Figlin, MD, FACP; Jocelyn Mohs, PharmD, BCOP; and Laura S. Wood, RN, MSN, OCN
    In 2019 the Association of Community Cancer Centers developed an education program to provide all members of the multidisciplinary care team knowledge and resources to help successfully integrate immunotherapies into the treatment of patients with RCC.
  •  Waste Not, Want Not
    Barbara A. Gabriel, MA
    The issue of drug waste is nothing new in oncology. Drug vial optimization has been shown to be effective in using valuable medications that would otherwise have been wasted.
  •  Expanding Patient Access to Cancer Care Services
    Kelley D. Simpson, MBA; Stacy Melvin, MHA; and Sue Fletcher, RN
    Key results from a national survey show a range of new initiatives.
  •  After the Outbreak: Preparing for the Return of Cancer Cases
    Matthew Strum, MBA, and Jessica Turgon, MBA
    Cancer programs are facing multiple challenges related to treating patients in a COVID-19 environment. Cancer programs need to deploy systems and processes to help navigate these patients into the healthcare system and to work through the backlog of new patients with cancer as quickly as possible within existing resources.
  •  Compliance: What Telehealth May Look Like in 2021
    Teri Bedard, BA, RT(R)(T), CPC
    The 2021 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule proposed the following changes specific to telehealth.
  •  Spotlight: Baptist Cancer Center
  •  Highlights from a Virtual ASCO 2020
    Cary A. Presant, MD, FACP, FASCO
    Listed are my highlights of the ASCO 2020 abstracts, which were chosen if they were a practice-changing study or trial with important new advances.
  •  Reducing Revenue Loss and Patient Financial Toxicity with a Pharmacy-Managed Pre-Certification and Denials Management Program
    Suzanne J. Francart, PharmD, BCPS, et al.
    To adequately address patient financial toxicity, institutions must assume responsibility for ensuring that patients understand their insurance coverage and anticipated out-of-pocket expenses. Institutions should also have procedures in place to navigate the pre-certification process and prevent claim denials that may ultimately end up as the patient’s responsibility.
  •  The Year of the Biosimilar
    Ali McBride, PharmD, MS, BCOP
    With the advent of biologics decades ago, the practice of oncology was forever changed.
  •  The Emerging Role of Oral Oncolytics
    Ali McBride, PharmD, MS, BCOP
    Oral oncolytic agents have several advantages over the parenteral route, including patient convenience, prolonged drug exposure, and non-invasive administration.
  •  Chemotherapy Stewardship
    Ali McBride, PharmD, MS, BCOP
    In response to the increasing complexity of oncolytic agents, the associated economic burden on the patient and health system, and the intricacies associated with alternative payment models (APMs), I suggest the need for widespread establishment of chemotherapy stewardship services.
  •  The Future is Wide OPEN
    Ali McBride, PharmD, MS, BCOP
    With this dynamic change in treatment modalities comes a need to change our practice models to keep pace with innovation, quality care, and patient needs.
  •  Prescription Drug Reuse and Recycling
    Jennie Crews, MD, MMM, FACP
    The cost of prescription drugs is at the forefront of discussions on healthcare reform. At our recent state oncology society meeting, the topic stimulated discussion about medication reuse and recycling programs
  •  The Oncology Pharmacy Navigator
    Rice K, et al.
    Patients with cancer experience a variety of difficulties in accessing and managing their medications. The Legacy Health Cancer Institute established an oncology pharmacy navigator to decrease barriers to patient access, reconcile medication lists, and alleviate the financial burden of cancer care.
  •  Implementation of Drug Vial Optimization to Reduce Drug Waste
    Amerine LB, et al.
    In the Department of Pharmacy at the University of North Carolina North Carolina Cancer Hospital, discarding partial drug vials was a significant source of waste. With their Innovator Award–winning drug vial optimization program, the program maximized the lifespan of drugs within single-dose vials and realized an annual cost savings of more than $40 million.
  •  Immuno-Oncology: Breaking Barriers, Exploring Solutions, Improving Patient Care
    The ACCC Immuno-Oncology Institute developed a multidisciplinary curriculum workshop bringing together faculty experienced in delivery of immunotherapy with cancer program staff in the earlier stages of IO integration. Over the past two years, these IO Visiting Experts Programs were hosted by ACCC Cancer Program Members nation-wide.
  •  Back to CAP?
    Secretary Alex Azar has expressed strong interest in revitalizing Medicare’s Competitive Acquisition Program (CAP) and introducing negotiation into Part B drug pricing.
  •  Drug-Specific Videos for Patient Chemotherapy Education
    Weese JL, et al.
    Long, written descriptions of chemotherapy and its side effects, particularly when prescribing multiple drugs, are often ignored by patients who are overwhelmed by their cancer diagnosis and treatment. From the perspective of the patients, it was clear that all patients needed basic information regarding chemotherapy, including how to react to different situations while on chemotherapy and specifics about the drugs they were going to receive.
  •  Improving Profitability & Service
    Learn how process improvements in an outpatient infusion center may strengthen financial performance. Included are a review process for non-formulary medications and new drug or service request form.
  •  Oral Chemotherapy: What Your Patients Need to Know
    Elizabeth Bettencourt, RN, MSN, OCN
    Storage, handling, and disposal of oral agents; possible drug-drug and drug-food interactions; dosing requirements, a plan for missed doses, a refill process; and more on what your patients need to know about oral agents.
  •  Worth the Wait?
    Leah Ralph
    In August 2015 the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) released its much-anticipated “mega-guidance” on the 340B Drug Pricing Program, proposing new limits on the program but stopping short of a complete overhaul, prompting mixed reviews from stakeholders.
  •  Designing a Model Infusion Center: The Philips Ambient Experience
    A key element in this design is the ability for patients to personalize their surroundings with lighting and other aesthetic features, giving patients an increased sense of control over their environment.
  • A Pharmacist-Managed Oral Chemotherapy Program
    The shift from infused to oral agents has implications for patients and cancer programs. This 2011 ACCC Innovator Award winning program explains its pharmacist-managed approach.
  •  A Model Rural Chemotherapy Program
    This 2013 ACCC Innovator Award winner describes how their health system achieved the goal of establishing guidelines and standards of practice in all rural sites, both within and outside the system, to better ensure patient safety and quality care.
  •  Best of ASCO 2017
    Cary A. Presant, MD, FACP, FASCO
    ASCO 2017 was filled with new information and long lines as 39,000 oncologists worldwide came together to hear the latest advances in cancer care.
  •  Delivering Pharmacogenetic Testing in the Community Setting
    Mark Wagner, PharmD; Jennifer Eichmeyer, MS, CGC; Paul G. Montgomery, MD; Jessica Monitz, PharmD; Jesslie Modlin, PharmD; and Natalie Perry, BA
    In November 2014, St. Luke’s Mountain States Tumor Institute (MSTI), Boise, Idaho, initiated a pilot program to determine the feasibility of a pharmacogenetic testing program in a community cancer program.