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Educational Resources

These educational resources, tools, and materials are brought to you by our valued Corporate Members. For questions or more information, please email for assistance.
  • Patient Selection Criteria and Surgical Resection Considerations when Evaluating Patients with Previously-Treated Advanced Melanoma

    Published on: June 21, 2024


    AMTAGVI (lifileucel) is a tumor-derived autologous T cell immunotherapy indicated for the treatment of adult patients with unresectable or metastatic melanoma previously treated with a PD-1 blocking antibody, and if BRAF V600 mutation positive, a BRAF inhibitor with or without a MEK inhibitor.
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  • PharmaEssentia Educational Resource


    PharmaEssentia SOURCE helps connect patients to ongoing support, education, and resources throughout their treatment journey.

    • Navigating insurance and financial hurdles
    • Educating about treatment initiation, including injection training
    • Offering ongoing patient engagement and resources

    Click here to enroll in SOURCE.

    Click here for our copay assistance program.

  • On-demand: Practical Insights for Operationalizing a Lymphedema Surveillance Program

    Published on: May 18, 2024


    Learn about the importance of early detection and intervention for Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema (BCRL). Hear expert insights into operationalizing a Lymphedema Surveillance Program, the role of bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) for early lymphedema detection, and updates on the latest clinical practice guidelines and research.
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  • The Patient Perspective: Evaluating Time and Treatment While Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer

    Published on: Apr 10, 2024



    Click here to view resource.

    This new white paper demonstrates the time-burden on ER+, HER2- mBC patients and their loved ones when going to receive care and the potential difficulty of care when an IM injection is part of their treatment plan. It has been published by Ipsos and Living Beyond Breast Cancer, and is supported by Lilly.


  • Small Cell Lung Cancer: A guide for patients and their families

    Published on: Mar 24, 2024


    This resource was created by Patient Resource and GO2 for Lung Cancer and produced with support from Jazz Pharmaceuticals to provide patients and their loved ones with comprehensive information to guide them throughout their journey with small cell lung cancer. A Spanish-speaking version is available via download.
    Free copies of this resource can be obtained by ordering it by:

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  • Let's Chat CAR T

    Published on: Mar 24, 2024



    Let's Chat CAR T website contains non-product specific educational materials for patients who have been diagnosed with certain blood cancers.

    The website offers information that is helpful for patients and their caregivers who are considering CAR T-cell therapy (CAR T) as a treatment option or who are preparing to receive CAR T.

    Topics include:

    • What is CAR T?
    • Who is CAR T for?
    • Caregiver resources
    • How to find support
    • Real stories from CAR T patients and caregivers

    Visit and share today