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Tricia O'Mahen Dickey
Associate Director, Marketing

Mar 27, 2020

ACCC Mobilizes to Support Delivery of Quality Cancer Care During COVID-19 Pandemic

Rockville, MD—The COVID-19 health emergency is requiring U.S. healthcare professionals to quickly adapt and innovate to care for those who are sick, while minimizing risk for patients needing treatment for acute or chronic conditions and their careforce. Cancer programs and practices face critical challenges during this crisis, as many of the patients they care for are older, often have additional comorbid conditions, and—if in active treatment—are immune-suppressed, thus at greater risk of worse outcomes from the virus.

In response, the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) is mobilizing to support the multidisciplinary cancer care teams working directly on the frontlines of the COVID-19 outbreak.

"In these intensely pressured circumstances, ACCC is here for all of our colleagues in the oncology community, says ACCC President Randall A. Oyer, MD who is Medical Director of the Oncology Program at Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health.  “Our goal is to provide practical, concise resources and information that is accessible whenever providers need it."

A webcast series featuring peer-to-peer guidance in caring for patients and establishing protocols for virus response at cancer programs and practices launches today, Friday, March 27 from 4:00 - 4:30 PM ET / 1:00 - 1:30 PM PT.

“What Is It Like to Practice in Hard Hit Areas?” From Seattle, Washington, ACCC Past President Jennie R. Crews, MD, MMM, FACP, medical director, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Network, will share her insights and experiences from a COVID-19 hot zone, including: 

  • How to encourage patient safety outside the cancer center
  • How to keep staff healthy and morale high
  • Tips for cancer team member self-care
  • The effects of limiting visitor access
  • How government support has affected cancer programs

Upcoming webcasts will focus on need-to-know information and resources for cancer programs and multidisciplinary team members providing care, including best practices for clinical trial access, telehealth, PPE procurement, financial resources, and more. ACCC will also be releasing weekly mini-podcasts highlighting critical issues in cancer care during this outbreak.

ACCC offers a continuously updated COVID-19 resources page that brings together information for the cancer community from clinical organizations (AMA, ASCO, ASH, ASTRO, SITC), federal agencies (CDC, CMS, FDA), peer-reviewed resources, and ACCC-developed resources.

ACCC members are connecting in real-time through our online member community—asking questions, sharing resources and experiences, and offering support for delivering quality cancer care during this unprecedented health crisis.

In the months to come, ACCC will continue to support and connect oncology stakeholders locally, at the state level, and nationally.

About the Association of Cancer Care Centers

The Association of Cancer Care Centers (ACCC) is the leading education and advocacy organization for the cancer care community. Founded in 1974, ACCC is a powerful network of 40,000 multidisciplinary practitioners from 2,100 hospitals and practices nationwide. As advances in cancer screening and diagnosis, treatment options, and care delivery models continue to evolve - so has ACCC - adapting its resources to meet the changing needs of the entire oncology care team. For more information, visit Follow us on social media; read our blog, ACCCBuzz; tune in to our CANCER BUZZ podcast; and view our CANCER BUZZ TV channel.