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Tricia O'Mahen Dickey
Associate Director, Marketing

Jan 19, 2021

ACCC’s CANCER BUZZ Podcast Receives Best Healthcare Podcast, Platinum 2020 eHealthcare Leadership Award

Rockville, MD - The Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) has been awarded a Platinum 2020 eHealthcare Leadership Award in the category of Best Healthcare Podcast for its podcast, CANCER BUZZ.  The annual eHealthcare Awards recognize cutting-edge digital communications teams and projects from healthcare organizations nationwide.

CANCER BUZZ is a resource for cancer care professionals that delivers the latest insights into hot topics in oncology, including immunotherapy and novel treatments, oncology pharmacy, care coordination, payment models, supportive services, workforce issues, and more. Episodes of CANCER BUZZ have been downloaded more than 14,000 times across the United States and in many countries. The show is free to subscribe and can be found on the ACCC website and all major podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Amazon Music.

ACCC debuted a CANCER BUZZ series in 2020 focused on navigating oncology care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each episode was designed to deliver timely and critical information to busy and pressed cancer care providers in under several minutes.

“The mission of CANCER BUZZ is to help all members of the multidisciplinary team get the latest information and best practices from their colleagues in the field, no matter where they are,” said Randall A. Oyer, MD. “The award is a testament to the collaboration of our membership, who are experts in their field.  What we see time and again is oncology professionals selflessly spend their limited free time and resources to advance this industry and help their colleagues across the country deliver the best care possible.”

eHealthcare Leadership Award winners were recognized during the 24th Annual Healthcare Internet Conference on Nov. 17. The award program receives 1,000 entries annually from healthcare organizations, medical equipment firms, and digital health companies. 

About the Association of Cancer Care Centers

The Association of Cancer Care Centers (ACCC) is the leading education and advocacy organization for the cancer care community. Founded in 1974, ACCC is a powerful network of 40,000 multidisciplinary practitioners from 2,100 hospitals and practices nationwide. As advances in cancer screening and diagnosis, treatment options, and care delivery models continue to evolve - so has ACCC - adapting its resources to meet the changing needs of the entire oncology care team. For more information, visit Follow us on social media; read our blog, ACCCBuzz; tune in to our CANCER BUZZ podcast; and view our CANCER BUZZ TV channel.